Page 287 - chs-2005
P. 287
Favonte()uotc": IQ tcrybecause .t 0\et lebccatdcn~
A. hshmcn
9th liN llub, lt.mor roll. \t\ P J\ er team, Vanity f\Nll. c:ademic ldt.c:r
IOih. Ada <1ub .itional Honor~ Honor roD, \.:adem Ldter: \ tty cer \ 11)
ftball \1 \ u:ablc l.kfow\e Pbyct1\m.tty ftballl
lith IJd.l&(lub, .tlJona.IHonor tety,M ttnpr"O\oed(IO<IIte(\ ICCCt),Lo-\tosl
\'llu.1blc OfftMS•ve Pb~ (\ann) .>ftball). t\.:adaniC 1 cncr. If,,..,.. Roll
12tlr; n .. "lll < lub, .tbooal Uonor "lx:M.'t'l
\h:mone Bu R1Jo (lO ·..:cr ,ftbaJi ~ ). ~~..:..:cr (1mstma!l P;uttn, \\mnmg the d1
<. hampl\lll.Jllfl from Bu..:hbo11"(1hh grade ftbiall)
.Jenna Pa)-ne
DO 8 O~·ll-X7
POB L \.c(tt), 11
ld)'. L n. <. o~t•ortll F H f01\'01'1b:~1C18 '1.u\ \\1lb- \\ben)oulhmkofme"
l'awnte Quut-1!' '"I C3tl do all thmgs throup Chn • "'ho strc'l'lathcm \lc
BR,FJ \ecompll bmcnts
9th \ rsn) .... ,mwt. <nr \\C~ghthlhng, lks.t Ld't:tng \wanJ
lOth \ 11) fthaJJ 8Pd Pttdung Award. Class S-\ all tate softball team- Jni tcrun ptt..:bcr
I hh \ 1f)- ftbr.t.ll and Gal:oradc Pb)cr of lbr year ""'-an.\ ( 4 all talt' llball tnm-
12m \ ly o)ftball, <·trl \\.:-tghllaftmg
\t.:mort ,, late ntghts, mer. Lo\ D. plt~o:htng practt drop 1 4· \\bella- wrnk
and 1t shall be CJ\CD you. l anJ ye shall (md; lr.noc and U·\llle travelmg, bus tnp \t &.. D. SOP tl 8'-J. JAD. B\tC io;:J( II( RIP
J • Perry
DOD 04-04-10
POR I aAe( 11'1 I
fa\onte ...,1\ng .:tleat.L>trooa·· !rapt
fll\llflte ()uutc •·r>on t nlc IPr th.: on.e you can l1\e ~1th. nle lur tbt one )'ou ~o:1Ul"t h\e
9thJ\ l1p:crcth.:: A!.!al.k-m•"' Lc:ttcr
lOth J\ fllfeft"ltl.",;
\ttmon I I, ( R. P'o J\t.O -03-04. o..b) Blue trbh cam, II~ 21.MH The rugbtl mel
1>\H KK anJ the new baby. \II the matu /R · OP'-1
\ustm Pe1en
008 OJ-Ib- 7
PO 8 \\est PJlm 8each. n
FI\"Oflle "OOJ l1 Out I \\ ayne
J- "Ofltc (,)uOk T"bt' 'M.:dd I 'I~ Sarface
9th J\ foo< II. J\ I I
Jlllh J\ fl>oebult \anti) 8 bol~ \'>nity FOodxdl. \I\ P J\ looobal~ l \ \oung I
0 Lc:umnan hl0lbd11
lith \ar$11) footb.tll. \ar II) Ba eball, ndcrcla men a\urd ofkn e. letterman
12th \ar II) football \"anlt) Ba eball 3 )Car Ieiterman 1n Ba eball and foorball
tcmofiC.'! The Blaze tlotd, oo·. TOP J\\. The StatiOD, 4 \\ay. 1\.)les RIHf
House TV' , \nJ-1 1- RO( I OP, "hand \f .,.,.~ I RO( 'entor Part). I he Pen
~nd.ll) '1 1 ht ••sht
Favontc 8 Anytbma Hu!Tm. Qos;r.,:l, or PatnotlC 008 0 ~1p::7
fl\oote Quote 1(( ... ~ 1 for us. who .:an be a IJtSt us.,.. ROIDIUlJ :\ PO 8 lS "'al B.ue Plul!ppme
A...xomphsbmmt h..,...te "lll'll •·ucart or a champu.ln'" b) eUy
9th ll \ P rt I co fieta. -\~,;adnnac I ~uer >\thleu l ett-=r \ lhmor Roll, \tAT. hvonle QuNc "'lrf: ts a road. thou le:kk mto the llonzon. yet •"ben )"OU f:d tu the llonzon..
Tenn1 1hcrejustl'f)(;nroad ll•feal on)''
lOth lla Pre uh:nt. Art, leo. Beta. I rench. lo;:e), \t T, Interact. S.-\00. \cadcmu:
"thlell letter, lcnn1, A·B Honor Roll, 2nd pla~.:c Rea•onal Sc1encc fa1r ((.hem• try) S...--ta Club, !\Ollonor Roll. Drumhnc ),. Bass. \1ade l mal \t Baot.l <.omp...'lltlOO..
I th liS. Hcta \"P, Leo. Fn:n ... h. I\. c). Art. \1AT, -\c•d m1c & <\thlet•c Letter, ~YL f I I \t t\ \"1lunt .. 'CI"~Ith Father,A..:adc:mh.: Letter, Passo..'l!IC\T Pn:tt:
I~ lkta (.lub. Cotton fkn,l;l At Tcu . A~.:adenuc I c:ncr, ColumblA Drumhnc: 4
MIa~. Tcnna , -\·B llonor Roll Rl ("A 0( )ou•h Tour. Boy' State. So\ ~at1on H r PoiSSC'd
l_lth ( lu \ P. II\ Pr~ 1dcnt. Beta Prc!.uJcnt. )ouna Rertubltcan Prc,&dent. \1AI,
S \DD. lnt ract. Key <\rt 1 rrn~o:h 11• l>rumlmc: \ttdc ._,narc But \1o\c:J Ill J,. Ru due Ill rcnonal ch:m e . Jumor (I (1ub
\t(ITlOOCS:~b t>uwrut\\1.1111 T&lllkll.\\.111\:ll<llR ~~~ POt....JII.R( "J\....\1(,,an.J.J<. ti<)Uehlm) 1• <. ar. P < Pl
tz- l>rumhne laptam, fn=rk:h ( lub Heart Throb frcn ... h <.lub Prnidcnl, \\on l"l'lace at a
Cat lk"M m<.A.-ala
\temon Tc & -\tlantl ~1tb the Drumhnc lonll n•Jht!i.,.,llh JA & \tP. Home tadc
(:mpui C'onqumnJ Rome •n a\\~ lot Orumllnl! \1..:MCS. L< t.!Ddeq:rouDd.lonJc'r n
•1tb \tP. (lff!C Ikim, \eDiOr Pam
lynn PteClOI'II
llonQr Roll abODaJ ltonor ICtd)' Bcu. f(. \. Ai.:adcma .. leacT, Fn:shmen 008 I~
POH ._,tr.ul.xd J
faYOnte~ "'1\\•IIRt:IIICIIlbc:r'I~"IU
FI\>'Ofltt <.1uc* '"Ln~ I ether"e ISnotomorrtft'
Y IIOil<II"R<>IL'(IC"C("f IIS,Be111leti:nsc'
lOA llo..mol" Rl1!l, ".xtcr II S \.&mt)
II .. ll~mor RoiL 110'-'· "·""JCtC.'T, '-II"''. \mtt)'
1z- ll11t1llf RoiL "'"11.:'"-n \ IIOS-\ \M· Prnhk:nl. II'
t,."mOnt: \t1htaT) Ball. Prom. \1ectma "'"" Friend.\,\ K. l D
lUria \t P•rr1ns
DOD 07-lt-.'
POB L \ \
~avontt "•lflP IIITIC Ot 'lour l1k"
fa\OOIC{)Ullte \\hylr) harJtl>flttnwheft\"OUurt'\>llfntl) outr" l l..nown
\..:campi! hnK'121
If* <olor (,uan1, \8 Honor Roll. \~o:adem1..: Lcttcr. ·\t, tOut tanding Scmor 411 \lcmlxr-
....-ar..l. J• P~ ~o:-omwncr JuJgmg. Cia) Orlando fa•n.. FU\ "~JP
1~ <.olor (.,uanJ. AR 111)1\01" Roll, auonal!IONW "'ll.:t~. \~o:adcnuc letter. -\..:adenncTcam,
II._ lolor tnmrd \8 1{01101' Roll, .dll.nll ll(lft()l" ....._"ll.:tet)', \.:ademic 1 ctter D•MIIDI •• 8-\
ID, fR' IIUp
12 <. ol"r (Jullr..l. '\ uonallh~Mr \octC'Iy \tu -\lpha Theta. 811\ <. up1a1n of <.uw\J
kmNte Interstate: rntsta~Cl> \I(.\\ P J \\ Camr lnp \tt \\D. \II 1\.0. <.:am.plnJ
'unburns Kb1rd, ~ecdma J)u..:~'l \it ) ·~Buddy\\ I>, <ommun1 llurn~;an •
rohu ... , t.ul""'ay lot' ahke, k.\1. tnr "''tb \1r \iont, -\Pstudy Jrour K\1, Rs \iR
\<. J11 IIJnd hair. RP. J11 JR lti.l Prom \1(. \\0. J.... \t lti.}, J....l. Rll. R\\ (\I. Jll
R.cbel Puicr \( UBQ ( h1p , 1ti. \t. Rl •• .-areer ~o:cr.tcr lti. t .... J. (,U J\1 I C. L I sa Partte , I 1DJ
llOB OHlS.87
POD I e( tt) I
hwntc Pi3no \1 .. Dally Jod
Senior Index, 283