Page 289 - chs-2005
P. 289

r a\on~ Quoit .. That  R1ght
     \oop "-:h1C
     noH  03  1 -                         <\c  omriJs.hmcnl
     PO H  \rnomeburg. C tCTnwt)'         If., football,  ffA.I<A
     ~awntc song  <am 'run  ·Hr) ".ta'    IO"fiA
     h\onte Quote  '{)on't dr  m your ll!c. h\-e your dream   11• HA
      ~=mp!Uiuncnt                        12,.HA
      2" Volleyball\   ty
     \1~..-moncs  l.xpmcnc1ng the t  \A   Amanda  lmecte Snead
                                          DOB  Ol.,l-"7
     Joshua R  •nunon                     P_o n  Lake snore th  p1tal.  L  e < arv
     OOB  06-2f>                          fa,ontc ~ .. HaPJ')'  f.n~hna'  by Avnl L.a\lgrlor
     P08  l   c(lty                       Favornc Quote  .. Son of a monkey"'
     faYOntt  ~ l 1w-.  Ilea\  n''        Accompltshmenl
     faYOntc Quoce   matl mud  due        '1"  lnsemNe
     Mica                                 1()"1' Chamber \IDi!CN
                                          11• Chamb.:r \ojmge  < andJehght
     Cf' 8\   .:adcmK  lener, Honor Roll   12  Chamber \tnJen. (ll'aduatiOI'I
     10'1  8~"-. Acadomc  IA:tta,  II\  tu A.lph:l Theta. Acadcnuc Team,  llooor Roll   \1emonn  Old mcrrues becoming nC'Vt'  friends
     1 t• 8\o\. <\..:adc:miC  lc:tter,  liS. \ita  lpha Tbc:u.  AP   hobr v.ilh l)l  tn'K:tiOO.  Honor Roll
      2'1'  H'A.I  h:  ~'OUt.  ~m1c I ftttt  liS  )oun; Rcpubhcans,. Studcrll  (10\ernrncat,.   Reba  ell   kxnon
      ~tiona~  k'Trt  "'cnufin;~hst,  unshmc'   -...:holan ".;onunec.  IS  0 ~AT  1~ACT lloour Roll   DOB  10-42-
     \tl200flCI  Float buildana.  lu   Jt)C  J   le ..  ~~  • swe-  PO R  duco, Cahlonua
                                          Favonlle 'ones  B«t.IKJ\'en ... ~ympbon) l:'i
     \"lttona , ....                      Fawntc Quote  .. Dreamer of dreams. born out of 111)  due hme. •it} t.hould I Wl\e to SC1  the
     DO 8   ~14                           cruoked  traJgbt .. - \\tllwn \1•lfflS
     PO 8  Lac  bon:  l   e (  II)        Accomplishment
     FIWlnle "-lftt  t;shcr t  t  Ahc:wl\:   ty H•JO.,   f1  Acadenuc { ntcr, A~nnc: Team. J\ (  pQm. J rmrlt ( lub
     FI\Vnlr QuoCe  ·oood lhmp come 10 those who wml ..   J()tlo Acadennc  Lttter, Acadcrmc Te::un. J\ <apum. Mu  '\!phi Theta  ".;II\. Am. President
      \c:corn(lh                          Jfonor Roll frcncb ( luh,  1\.c:y <lub
     ..... promokd "' tenth        11• Acaderru~.: Letter. Acadenu~o: Team-\   1ty co-cape  \1u ~lpha fbc:ta.  I h. Honor Roll. k.ey
     10'1 flnt )Ur. cwly childhood eduatwn. goc prumuh:d w the dnmth grade   Club
     11• ~ yew m f < ( I A and carl) dlildboc:od educ:uuon, honor roll, beuune a p.;art of the   12• -\cadmnc Lcner. Acadanu:- ream~v.  II)'  ctpta1n,  \1u  lpha Theta.   II~. Honor Roll,
      .moo lfoaor Roll. cut promot<!d to the tv.-clf\h sraJc   fCTf  essay v.1nnc-r.  ( Tl  essay v.UlDCT.  sunt\1rtg <\P.;hem
     12'1' Ta1una thtrd and fourth  yeat of carl) ch1ldhuod to11=1 my (  I>A.  hom«om•na COW'\  udent
     count1l  reptUCnt;;ltlYe, and f I   member, and (l:raJ'  \peakm.1n
     """"""        !tool. I'm not ready  lO  ~ea;\-e the people here   DO B  Ol-0<- 7
                                          PO 8  \\c~Nden. German"
     hen though I'm ready to lea\e tht
                                          Fa\unte Songs  "'"itra~berr}- \\me  -Deanna (artrr
      T 11lam  "ihcppard                  hwnte Quote:  Let the good t•   ro1r
     DOD  10-~4 ~                         Accompltshmcnh
     PO B  Lake Cuy, f lund<~             ~ J.\  ("h«TI~mg, Flnhmcn <1ub,  .:atk-m•c  I ctttr, I .eo
     hwnte \ong  \\ hy'"'  by  Ja..Ltkt   10" J \  <.heerle&~.hng. Suphomott <.luh,  "cademu.:  I titer
      ~a\onte Quote  .. Dun't put ofl for  I~ITM \\.hat  )'{lU em do toJa~"'   11• \aJ"itty ( h«rleadmg. Jumor Club .. -\cadcm1c <.  Juh  Honor Roll
     Accomplishment~                      12• \~1ty (. httrleadmg. Beta (  luh
     9"' lkaa (  luh. Pep ( Jub.  S"'AI, AB  lt.mor Rtl\1,  Ba  kctball, (rolf
      ICI"  lkta. Pep C1uh. SWAI,  at1ortal  llnnnr Sn~o:lel}.  a11nnal Ynuth  Leallcl'\hlp h'KWll, A8   Tmor Spradley
      lhllklf Roll.  I   l..~·tba\1. (,nil   0 0  8  I 0-0H-~6
      11•1kaa Cluh.l\-p (  luh. SWAl   a11onalllunur ~"ICI). Uram Bc.J\\.1, AU  llonor Roll S\\AT,   PO 8  Slwki  tn  (,aml.~\llle, Jluntb
     S\\.c:etheart                        la\'Orlte \ongs  •·Country Boy  <.an Sur"•'c:" by  Hank \\tllwn  Jr
      12•tk"ta ( lub Pep (  luh.  aln10alllonor \..~~,:lcty, J\  llonor Roll.(' I  B.  Club anJ S\\.tttheart   Fa\onte Quoh:  If you do 11 do 11 bta
      Memon   lmtddyuf:-.cmorycar.  IJ.I   \\.lthgel, .. lnc \1oon ..   Attompbshmenb
                                          9" H"A, C'olumb1a  Sr Ag  \t.xhanu.:  team 4  10 the  tate
     Jan   Sh•Pf'l                        J()l' H .. Columb1a Jr  Ag ~tl.-charu~.:  Team
      DOB  06-12 87                       II  ffA. Columh1a  Sr  As  \tedwnc:s lca.m  1  m   te
      POB  LakcC1ty                       IZ"HA.Columbta  SrAg. \tc:c:han   Team number I  mthc- tatc:ofFlonJa
      hvont.: \oaa  ''I'm Jonn& m1   her
      f avuntc Qoot~  'Let  1J0  f1.Juna:"'   Knmn  icole "itock
      ~X:ornplillunent                    OOB  J(l-11>- 6
     11"  HA. \anrty \\rcsthng            PO 8  11  laudenlak:. fJ<.,da
      If  H                               Favonte   ""\1) Best  Fnm.r
                                          Fa'<'Ofltc Quote  .. !Am't hate Ul.l'W!"  )'OU am't me'''
                                          Ac  omphshments.
                                          f1&'  H<XlOrRoll
                                          I~ IIODOr" RoD.  attonalllonvr  XlC'!)',  Beta Club,  Key Oub
                                          I Ia. lionor Roll. 'ataonal Jlonor "«iety, lkta <.lub. ( J  '
                                          12 .. Honor Roll.  OJttonallfonor   tc1y,  Beta ( lub, <.J  ~
                                          \kmoncs: held TnJ">.,.,   1r  \t  1.  RcLiy  tor bfc tn 10"" J1lde. (.ctttnB wroee up b  fi p  Oups,
                                          pld Utne$ v.nh C'\eryone,  \t•  'too BJ Jll
                          \\ho            ( assandn 'und
                                          008  b-lb-X?
                             hl. TR  ho!D<.IIottub,   PO 8   \tadasonHII~. 1\. 't
                             yard bed, TPOI, TR much k;,\c   f a\onte '·lin&   ad1llac  On 22
                                          fa\onlc Quoee  A.rc you hll' rcat""
      Hcatbtr Lagh \muh                   ~ J\ ('hecrleadcr.  -\cadcml~.: L.cucr. freshmen <.1ub, Honor Roll. If\
      DDB  0941-86                        10"'- J\ Cbccrleader, A~o:adml!C lttttt. ""lf>hl'lfi10I'C (.  ub.  HODOr"  Roll,  \II  !ani
      PO H  (.amemlle  I klrtda           II..  atlona.l  Honor \(l(J~h.lkta. \tu ~lpha Theta, Jwuor <1ub,  \   I) (  heerleadcr
      f a\Vnte \1~ ., \\ 111  ( orne:  to 'lou  llanson   Acaderruc Lencr. Honor R~l
                                          12•   t1onaJ  Honor \txlct\, Beta.  1u >\lph;l  Thrta. \anzty <lK-crt~ llomecommg <.oort.
      hvontc Quote  I bou  h we ml)' not be: catkd to nwt)f our lr.u. v.-c  arc called to rnart)T our
      v.-ay nl hfe  •  hc.hel  lllll      Honor R..,ll, Wbo'  Wtkl
      -\l'i:omph  ments                   \temooe
     II"   •m team~kttrred, I t  \        BACS. Blunp. -..803·'0 hcensc  (\t-8 R   POT ..  BS  lbfl'. l  nder (ar, < amo ntght.  BS( \I
      II~  IWlm tcem-let1ertd. I ( A      Rtdi.O  5hr. nver,  4·\\.a~. t\1')  lill   BB·S~). BB  P1c.:  . BS·  100. \\algrttn  . \"IPcom  ~CX \1-
      11• tw~m tcam-lcnered.  I C A       Mnanatch. AO-SOTB.  BOBS( \1.Tobacco llarn:,  I  v.41v
      12- '<'tm tc::un-let   tfu.oll-mrollmcnt
      Mt.'11l0rlel  B1g J   m the commons. haunt~-J  huol ( 17 pc:c:Jf!le  10  Sht\ennohiiCI. po~uuhalhng
     (t.d idea), hangma: wtth A \I  an..!  B  R-sooll 11mc  playmg tah(JO .,.,1th ere~
                                          Charles TaMaCtuon
                                          D.OB  4-10-fP
                                          PO B  Lake C'lt)'.  f L
                                          Fa\U'Ite  :tng:  I nend  111  Low  P
                                          h\onte Quvte  \t,,..c: )OUI feet. looK \our   ('
                                          Q  .  Roll f( A.  llOSA
                                          10  , F  ~- HOSA. Cll  OS
                                          II  ,F( -\.  HOSA
                                          12   An~. )I)WI8  R('J'Ubh~.:
                                          \tcmonn The fm.t day ofCJ- Jradc ba\'ina: to pu:ih my •-ay through the axnmons
                         till.:.   tlnlC\UthS't
                                          oo8 u.,.gq
                                          PO B  L..ake City, FL
                                          Fa\t.lf1tc  )fig:  \\ondcrlur' by Fvudcar
                                          finl)l'lte Quo1r  ·tf you're dumb you Jotb be wug.h  \tv \lCp mom Linda byklr
                                          Q",  Ad>-.nced _.,.,  lmembk. F(  . llr.lma (1ub
                                          10", Chamber ''-"'en. FCA. Judo~ Praa, RO<.  )Qulh (lloir,llrama Club, Honor Rull
                                          11•  ChonA,. Judi Prau~ R<X  )Outb C'hotr
                                          12  . Gcrune out of here'
                                          \1ernolle$  pllhna JT1)  )ahoo all 0\u 1\:vle "'-:«t and Lauren Rcpstcr tn \tr C'ocmcn c
                                          lund)C  •nh [o.;:ruten and [o.;:nsun T.   I"J aJ,c='RI   w1dl  Rrookc  \t()SI of aU my 11q;1 mom
                             k'CtmJ ITI)'  boo \   linda T•ylor
      ~  Trey \nulh                       (~terTan
      noB  Ol-11-86                       008  ~ 1(}..86
      POB  Tbomasv;TJe  (o«XJ<"'          PO 8  \Unilla.  Phil1ppii\C'S
      f~W¥1te \ana  Unttl the I>a:.  I 1),  ..   fr.tonte~·)i;:ah' ..
                                                                                                Senior Index, 285
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