Page 65 - chs-2010
P. 65

Top Left: Columbia High Scholl students and participants of the "Little Tiger
                                                               Chnstmas Party."
                                                               Right: Brianna Martm with a child from the "Little Tiger Chnstmas Party."

            Harvey S. Firestone once said "You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself."
     Take a moment and think of the best present you have ever received. Now, think about taking that most
     valuable gift and giving it away. It would be hard wouldn't it? Often we find ourselves short-changing others
     for the happiness of ourselves. When Christmas comes to town we have a tendency to lose ourselves in the
     service of others. Whether it's shopping for the "Little Tiger Christmas Party" or dressing up as an elf. Now is
     the time of year where we become a little less selfish. We reach out to those in need and forget about our-
     selves. Imagine how wonderful it would be if we could feel the spirit of Christmas year round. If everyday
     our goal was to do well. It might not be giving away our most valuable possession; instead it could be giving
     away our time or just a simple smile. So as the year goes on remember "We make a living by what we get,
     but we make a life by what we give."
                                                      ChelseyWaters  (12)

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