Page 92 - chs-2010
P. 92

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                                                                   sc·  nee  ai .. Win  e ..
             Eleven other girls wait anxiously with 8
      other boys, when I walk in. we wait in our busi-
      ness attire to draw numbers for our interview.
                                                                   Behavioral and Social Sciences
      After receiving spot number one, I walk into the
                                                                   Second            Meredith Bestland "What Effects
      small meeting room, praying that somehow and
                                                                                     do Energy Drinks Have on Your
      someway my interview for Girl's State will go
                                                                                     Mind and Bodily Functions Based
      as I had rehearsed all week long. Then again,
                                                                                     Off Age, Weight, Gender, and IQ
      after my stressful afternoon of running out of
      hot water in the shower, burning myself on the
                                                                    Third            Shelby Camp "Child's Play"
      straightner, ripping a hole in my stockings, and,
      of course, drawing spot number one, my hope
      was slowly dwindling.                                         Third            Nigel Merricks "Solution to Pol-
             After my last question, the interviewer                                 lution Equals Dilution"
      asked me to leave and summon in the next per-                Engineering
      son, without the slightest hint of my success or             First             Zac Durkin "Which Airfoil Cre-
      failure. The next hour of slurping my Sprite and                               ates the Most Lift?"
      waiting was dreadful. I tried to keep my com-                Third             Ryan Thomas "Will an Assymetri-
      posure as I made small talk with the other girls.                              cal Pattern of Dimples on a Golf
      Finally the number twelve interview came out                                   Ball Reduce Hook or Slice in the
      and behind her followed the instructor. "May I                                 Golf Ball's Path?"
      have your attention please?" She calmly asked,
      "The first three numbers I call are alternatives;
                                                                   Second            Ashlin Thomas "The Effect of
      the second three numbers are our delegates ... "
                                                                                     Temperature on the Concentra-
             Going to bed that night I couldn't help but
                                                                                     tion of Dissolved Oxygen Con-
      think "I actually did it." Six Columbia boys were                              tent in Water"
      delegates or alternatives as well as five of the             Third             Kelly Castro "Green Technol-
      twelve girls. Though the interview was extreme-                                ogy: Can a Green Roof Affect the
      ly intense and stressful, I know every student                                 Temperature Inside a House?"
      there learned so much from the experience and                Microbiology
      I know that Columbia High will serve Boys/Girls
      State extremely well this summer.                            First             John O'Neal "What is the Effi-
             -Sarah Reichert ( 11)                                                   ciency of a Microbial Fuel Cell
                                                                                     Using Standard Measurement
                                                                   Second            Nathan Boice "The Effect of Anti-
                                                                                     bacterial Chemicals on Bacteria"
                                                                   Second            Christine Reichert "The Effect of
                                                                                     Changing the Mass of a Tennis
                                                                                     Racquet on the Location of the
                                    It was very nerve-racking
                                     to wait on the interview,                       Center of Percussion"
                                    especially when I was the      Third             Colin Madden "Can Aerodynam-
                                    last one to go. I knew I had                     ic Principles be Used to Predict
                                     to make a good, lasting im-                     the Flight Direction and Distance
                                    pression on the judges and
                                    I obviously did when my                          of a Frisbee?"
                                     number was called as an       Zoology
      Alternate. Even though I didnt get a solid spot, it is still a great
      honor to be selected at this level.                          Second            Levi Harkey "Hungry Bees"
                                  -Taylor Owens
                                                                   Third             Bryce McCarthy "Do Cats Exhib-
                                                                                     it Use of a Dominant Paw?"
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