Page 357 - 2013 Columbian
P. 357
A. President Barack Obama was sworn B. In late October 2012, Hurricane Sandy C. Regardless of pol1t1cal stance, no one can
m for h1s second term as pres1dent at the devastated portions of the Canbbean, deny the JOY felt see1ng troops come home
U.S Cap1tol in Washington, D C on the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern Un1ted safely celebrates
January 21, 2013. The pres1dent was States. The storm became the largest these amazing homecommg reun1ons w1th
re-elected on November 6, 2012 Atlantic hurncane on record (m d1ameter) heartwarming stories, v1deos and pictures of
w1th wmds spanning 1,100 miles. members of our armed forces returning to
surpnse the1r families and fnends.
D. On January 7th, 2013 Bntish explorer Sir E. In 2012, Time Magaz1ne nominated
Ranulph Fiennes and his team of five sailed Malala Yousafzai for person of the year
off from the port of Cape Town, to begm (she received runner up). The 15-year-old
the first leg of "The Coldest Journey"-a Pakistani schoolgirl spoke out for girls'
never done before 2,300-mlle trek across rights to an education and survived an
Antarctica where temperatures dip as low assass1nat1on attempt on her life by the F. In June and July 2012, Colorado faced
as -90° C (-130°F) The group's goal is to Taliban 1n October. She has become an its most destructive wildfires m history.
complete the JOurney and raise $1 0 million admired children's-rights advocate and At least 34,500 residents were forced to
for "See1ng is Behevmg" a chanty whose symbol of the struggle for women's nghts evacuate while thousands of acres were
m1ss1on 1s to eradicate blindness. all over the world. destroyed by several blazes