Page 360 - 2013 Columbian
P. 360

A. The world failed to end on or around   B.  Violence erupted across the Musl1m   C.  In  September 2012 Ant1  Japan
       Dec  21,  20121  The  Mayans developed   world 1n  2012. Enraged protesters   demonstrators 1n  Beijing marched near
       many calendar systems to fit a variety   stormed and scaled the walls of U S   the Japanese embassy holdtng portraits of
       of purposes,  but scholars  ms1sted  the1r   embassies 1n  Sudan  and Tunisia   communist leader,  Mao Zedong
      famous  Long Count Calendar was not    Demonstrators breached an embassy wall
       des1gned  to pred1ct the world 's end,   and raised a black flag of militant Islam as
       despite what apocalyptic doomsday    police struggled to push them back. The
       theorists had  predicted .           protests were a rem1nder of the passions
                                            unleashed by the  "Arab Spnng" .

           politics       war      peace        environment

         .... The Mayans were masters at . . . - creaung lntrtcete
                                         atone leona
                                       e tills huge stone
          ·- carving complex         mask at the Kohunbch
         aeenea In atucco end      ru•ns  Mayan monuments
                 atone              celebrated goos  rulers
          Such as tills ,_ of           spontual events
         Upakal K llliCh Janaab·
          Pakal  rule< of tile the
         Ma   oty of PalenQue
            around 7 42 A 0      But the Mayans were
                                  NOT into predicting
                                   global destruction
           Recently unearthed mural prowes
           Maya  expected time to 'reset'
           • tn 2011  a sman rnom was found at
            the ru•ns of Xultun, '" Guatemala
     to tile early 9th century
           • Its waAs and   are plllnted with
            human ligures and two are covered
             with .nc.ed t.aroglyphs  many of
              them of a timekeeping natura

       D.  lslam1st  militants armed w1th  anti-
       aircraft weapons and  rocket-propelled
       grenades stormed a lightly defended                                        F.  In  September 2012, Yemeni  protestors
       Un1ted  States consulate  1n  Benghazi,   E.  The  rema1ns  of Vasser Arafat were   shouted slogans outs1de  the U.S.
       Libya,  in  September of 2012  The   exhumed in  November 2012  1n  Ramallah,   Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen  At
       Amencan  ambassador,  Christopher    West  Bank,  as  part of an  investigation   least one protestor was  killed  1n  clashes
       Stephens, and three members of h1s   into how the Palestinian  leader d1ed   when Yemeni  security forces tried
       staff were killed  A solemn  ceremony was   Sw1ss,  French  and  Russ1an  experts were   to d1sperse  hundreds of angry
       held at Andrews Air Force  Base, near   given  samples to establish whether h1s   demonstrators  They were protesting a
       Washington,  mark1ng  the return of the   death in  Paris  1n  2004 at the age  of 75   controversial , ant1-lslam  film that was
       men's  rema1ns                       was the result of po1soning.          made 1n  the United States.
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