Page 362 - 2013 Columbian
P. 362
A. The 2012 Summer Olympics were B. Left to nght, USA's Allyson Felix, C. USA's women·s gymnastics team
held 1n London, Un1ted K1ngdom from Carmelita Jeter, Bianca Knight and (known as the Fierce Five and the Fab
July 27 to August 12, 2012 USA's Tianna Madison . They won the gold Five) won the second ever gold medal
athletes have competed at every Summer medal1n the 4X1 00 relay 1n world record for the Un1ted States 1n the women's
Olymp1c Games 1n the modern era, except time on August 10, 2012 Allyson Fel1x team compet1t1on at the 2012 Summer
the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow became the most-successful US track- Olymp1cs Left to nght Kayla Maroney,
wh1ch was boycotted. For the first time 1n and-field athlete at the 2012 Summer Kyla Ross, Alexandra Raisman, Gabby
1ts Olymp1c history, the United States was Olympics, winnmg three gold medals. Douglas, and Jordyn Wieber
represented by more female than male
athletes The p1cture below shows the D. Members of the women's sw1m
spectacular closing ceremony team-Allison Schmitt, Dana Vollmer,
Shannon Vreeland and Missy Fra nklin
won the gold medal 1n the 4x1 00 med ey
relay. They set a new world record w th
su a time of 3:52 .05
london team usa
E. The USA Women's Soccer team
defeated Japan 2-1 111 the women's
soccer gold medal match. This was the
fourth Olympic gold for the team. H. Members of the Men's USA
Basketball team, 1nclud1ng lead scorer
F. From left Matthew Grevers, Kevin Durant, celebrated a 107-100 win
Brendan Hansen, Michael Phelps and G. USA's Ryan Lochte beat teammate over Spain in the gold medal match
Nathan Adrian , gold medal w1nners of M1chael Phelps to take home the gold
the men's 4x1 00 medley relay M1chael in the 400m tnd1v1dual medley. Phelps I. The Women's USA Basketball team
Phelps emerged as the most-decorated went on to become the f1rst male domtnated the1r way to another Olympic
athlete in Olympic history, w1th a total swimmer to w1n the same individual Gold Medal. They defeated France 86-
of 22 medals won (includmg four gold event at three straight Olympics, 50 to make this the1r fifth consecutive
and two silver medals in London). capturing the 200-meter IM. gold medal.