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G.  Dr. Robert Lefkowitz (pictured),   H.  Felix  Baumgartner,  an  Austrian   I.  NASA and  Russia's  space  agency
      of Duke Un1vers1ty,  and  Brian K.  Kobilka,   skydiver, JUmped  from a helium balloon   (Roscosmos)  pushed ahead  plans for
       shared the Nobel Chem1stry Pnze for the1r   nearly  128,000 feet above  Earth  1n   jom1ng the two teams for a yearlong
       pioneenng stud1es on cell  receptors,  which   October 2012.  He  set records for highest   stay  1n  space.  Scott Kelly,  a NASA
       enable each  cell  to sense 1ts environment   manned balloon fl1ght,  highest parachute   veteran  and  Russia's  Mikhail  Korn1enko
                                            JUmp  and  greatest free fall  speed  The   are  scheduled to launch aboard a
       2012 Nobel Prize Winners              prev1ous  sky  d1v1ng  record  of  102,800 ft.   Russ1an  Soyuz spacecraft in  the spring
      The Nobel Peace Prize:                was set  1n  1960 by Colonel Joe  Kittinger.   of 2015  They will spend  a year  aboard
        European  Union (EU)                                                      the International  Space  Station to
       The Nobel Prize in  Physics:                                               determme the effects of such  a long stay
        Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland                                       on  the human  body.
       The Nobel Prize in  Chemistry:                                                              ·~==~==-
        Robert J.  Lefkowitz and Brian K.  Kobilka
       The Nobel Prize in  Physiology or Medicine:
        Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya  Yamanaka
       The Nobel Prize in  literature: Mo Yan
       The Nobel Prize in  Economic Sciences:
        Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley

                                             K.  A  magnitude 7.4  earthquake struck   L.  In  October 2012,  residents found
                                             Guatemala in  November 2012  The      h1gher  ground as  the water level
       J.  People  lined up for the iPhone 5 release   quake was the worst for Guatemala   continued to nse  m  Leogane,  Haiti
       outside a SoftBank store 1n  Tokyo,  Japan,   m decades and was followed  by   Leogane endured f1ve  consecutive days
       September 2012. The  1Phone is a huge   about 30 aftershocks. The  map shows   of rain  due to the aftermath of Humcane
       money-maker for Apple, accounting for   the ep1center of the quake was near   Sandy.  This caused  serious flooding and
       nearly half of all  their revenue.    Guatemala C1ty.                       cla1med  many lives throughout Ha1t
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