Page 364 - 2013 Columbian
P. 364

A. The  largest and  most advanced    B.  A team of Stanford researchers  has   C.  Scientists from  Un1vers1ty of Texas
       spacecraft ever sent to another planet,   created the first synthetic matenal that IS   Med1cal  Branch at Galveston tested av1d
       landed successfully on Mars 1n  August 2012.   both self-healing at room temperature   video gamers 1n  h1gh  school and college
       The "Curiosity" robot IS  equipped with   and sens1t1ve to touch-a breakthrough   aga1nst a group of 1ts medical res1dents to
       technology that could  potentially    that could  be used to enhance prosthetiCS   compare surgical capability. The study used
       pave the way for human exploration.   or could even be used for human-like robot   a machme that replicated surgery techn1ques
                                             skin in the future                    to measure the users' competency. The
                                                                                   high school students came in first, college
                                                                                   students second and UTMB residents last.

                     t                   ens next

       science            explora  ion              discoveries

                           Th s art1st s corcpp  srows
                           the s  y crane rna  euver
                           dunng the desce.,• of
                           NASAs Cur os1ty rover
                           to the Martlar surface

        Cornea transparent
        layer; helps focus
        n'lCOm1ng light


        Lens --...::..:t.,.,.
        Rex1ble: focuses
        light on rebna

       D.  In  2012, Scientists took an Important
       step towards helping visually 1mpaired   E.  The lnternationall~st1tute for Species
       people lead  mdependent lives.  An    Exploration at Anzona State University   F.  In  2012, seven baby panda cubs were
       Australian woman rece1ved  a bionic eye   announced its list of top  10 newly   born 1n  a 3-month t1me span at a research
       transplant at the Royal  V1ctonan  Eye and  Ear   discovered species for 2012. The list   and conservation facil1ty 1n  Sichuan  Provmce,
       Hosp1tal that partially restored  her s1ght. Th1s   mcluded a snub-nosed monkey that has a   China. Th1s successful  breeding IS  hoped to
       breakthrough could  restore vision    d1stmct1ve wh1te beard and sneezes when   help th1s endangered species estimated to
       for m1llions.                         it rains.                             have fewer than  1,600 left 1n  the wild.
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