Page 78 - 2013 Columbian
P. 78

sprint down the
       to pract1ce  their
       event,  100 meters.

       Sen 10r Ra keem
       Battle stndes lar and
       long as  he  pushes
       h1msell  in practice

                    Event  Prep~rGlbon
                                                                                               Jun1or Alexander Weber spnnt
                                                                                               towards the sand and  leaps into h1s
                                                                                               long JUmp  tryi   to get as  lar out a
                                                                                               he can.
                           Mie-hC~elle  ChC~rloun
             "This year I'm do1ng something new and running the 300
             meter hurdles.  Everyday I lay out six hurdles and jump
             them over and over and over."
                                                                                                        The CHS  track team
                                                                                               does a lew exercise  to get the1r
                                                                                               muscles warmed up belore they
                            ErY1rY1Cl  Tue-~r                                                  each go ofl and do dillerent work
                                                                                               outs. Each  runner has a dillerent
                                 fre.shrY1Cln                                                  work out that they do because they
                                                                                               all run dillerent events.
            "I run  the  1600 meters (1  mile). Everyday Coach  Solowski
           sends us out to All1gator Lake and  I run  intervals and  long

                           SClrY1ClnthCl  Zie9C1LA.s
             "Emma Tucker,  Nicole Morse and  I were on  a 4x8 relay
             team in  middle school.  We  do distance sprints everyday
             and train together."
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