Page 80 - 2013 Columbian
P. 80
0oftbrA\\. LerArn ~. Live ~. Love ~.
Columbia High School oltball fearing nothing. We make our
i n't just a port, it i a pa ion. weaknesse our trengths and our
Thi year the softball program strength tronger. Between the
i more than ju t a team, we inten e parent in the lands, the
are family. Red dirt, brui es, roar or the crowd, the coaches
bloody knee , and of cour e our giving u in truction, the wing
decorated hair ribbon are what or the bat, the ball, the ba e '
makes up our fashion. It take and our glove , we will bu tours
individual working together to beat yours at the game we
to achieve one goa I. We give love! When we win, we make it
100 percent everyday trying to happen and when we lo ewe let
improve our game. A CHS oftball it happen. To ome it is a hobby,
player, tepping onto the field, to ome it i a port, but to the
turns into a competitor that won't Columbia High softball team it is
stop for anything until she wins an ob ession. Softball. .. Learn it,
a ball game. We are diligent and Live it, and Love it!
hard worker that know the true
meaning of teamwork, spirit, and
Hollianne Dohrn (lith) at the plate
gelltng ready to httthe balllrom the rtght side
One TerArYl
Re~ching for
s Keeley Murray. Jesstca Shimmel.
and Holly Boris
Lelt to Rtght· Holly Bon .
Ashley Shoup, Le lte Ann Bnllney Morgan. Lauren Eaker. lessica Shimmel.
Ronsonet, Lacey King, and Enn Anderson Kaylt Kvt tad. Tatum Morgan. and Lacey Ktng