Page 79 - 2013 Columbian
P. 79
The CHS Track and Field team is strong this year so Coach Solowski is
this year. Coach Solowski has picked the looking at a strong team again next year.
top talent for all events and they've all This year Coach Solowski also took over
' - . ..-- been training hard for the upcoming 2013 the CHS Cross Country team. With the
-· .• -- season. "I run the 100 meter event so class of 2013 leaving the track team will
~ ·~ practice hard after school on the track" 2016. Distance races will be strong for
everyday I do 100 meter strides and still maintain power from the class of
said Sophomore Antyria Caldwell. "We CHS with the third place finish at districts
train really hard with Coach Solowski. We from Cross Country and high hope for
either have to stay at school and use the the runners returning again in the spring
track or go to Alligator Lake for for track.
distance" said Freshman Timothy Pierce.
There aren't too many Seniors on the team
Leap f, Chns Sellers (lOth) and Johnathan Bradley (lith) both
have to leap above there Ito win their events (lett) Chris stndes long
and h1gh to conquor the hurdle dunng practice (above) Johnathan run
and leaps to easily glide over the pole for the high jump.