Page 209 - 2015 Columbian
P. 209


                                                  Best Dressed
     Most Likely to Run  into                                                          Child at Heart
                                            Jacks                     berlem
      a Burning Orphanage                                                                                     n
                                                 He can be seen   Alan1s descnbes her style
                                                                                  Nick's favome cartoon   Jamie says that if she
           uyk        Ab                   weanng den~m or flannels   as very versatile, but her   is  Family Guy and h1s   could be any fictJonal
        "If the opportunity IS   If you ever need a helping   and describes h1s  style   favome fash1on  pieces are   favorite D1sney movie   character, she would be
                                             as mostly preppy With   combat boots and dark
       there, I'll always help."   hand, Ab1ga1l  w1ll  be there.                 IS  the L1on  Kmg. If Nick   • Patrick because he's
                                            the occasional bum and   lipstick  Her least favome
        Ben  has always had a   She never chooses to                               could be any fictitiOUS   so dumb."  Her favorite
       kmd  heart and IS  most   skip an opportunity to   grunge days  Jackson says   fash1on  faux  pas include   character he would want   cartoon IS  Spongebob
      grateful for everyone in   help someone. Ab1gail's   that dressing well  makes   pla1d  Bermuda shorts,   to be the Little Mermaid   Squarepants  Jamie's
     h1s life. One sacnfice Ben   msp1rat1on  to help others   h1m  feel  confident, and   which is what she wore 1n   His best one liner IS "Why   favorite D1sney movie is
                                           ready to take on the day.   her middle school years.
     wouldn't be able to make   comes from Jesus Christ.                         did  the ch1cken cross the   the Cheetah Girls. Her
       for others 1s  h1s  fam1ly.   After high  school, she   H1s  style icons are Adam   She's not very proud of   road? He didn't, he got hit   dream job 1s  to be a flight
                                           Lev1ne, Joey Graceful, and   those years.
    After h1gh  school he wants   plans on gomg to UF,                                     by a car!"   nurse.
                                               Neil Patrick Harns.
    to get an  EMT certification   getting a Bachelor of
         and then become a   Science in Chemistry,
              firefighter   gomg to dentiSt school,     "Somedays  I  like  to  dress
                      and workmg With  m1ssions
                      on the side              alternative,  somedays  I  enjoy  looking
                                                preppy,  and  then  others  I  just  enjoy
                                               wearing  sweatpants."  Alanis  Koberlein
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