Page 211 - 2015 Columbian
P. 211

Most Likely to go to an                Most Likely to Drive a
   Most Likely to Brighten
                                                  Ivy League School                      Tractor to School
             Your Day                                                                                     y Ban

                            owen                   F1fteen years from   "My parents came to   Ethan's life motto   Amy's starter pack
    Her countless smiles and   Will can brighten anyone's   now, EliJah  sees himself   Amenca for a better   1s "work smarter, not   Items are her cell phone,
     outgoing character are   day as  long as  he gets to   programmtng computers,   future for the upcom1ng   harder." and he says   debit card, license, and of
    sure to bnghten anyone's   see h1s  poodle, Molly, and   of course after he goes   generations so I want to   his  idea of a fun  ntght   course her truck. Her life
    day  G1llian  starts off her   eat Zaxby's  W1ll  says   to his dream school,   make them proud and  I   IS  "hang1ng out with ya   motto is, "quit slackin',
     day With  music, which is   that the most challengtng   Georg1a Tech. Hts favome   want to make money."   buddies at the bonfire.·   make It happen."  Amy
     what puts her 10 a good   task as a sen1or 1s find1ng   school subject IS  mus1c   That 1s what motiVates   His starter pack items are   can't choose her favonte
     mood. The person that   the motivation to do   When asked what he does   Pnyanka to keep getting   a lift kit, tJres, nms, and   country song because
     makes her smile most is   schoolwork, espec1ally   for fun  he responded,   good grades  Her dream   straight p1pes  Ethan's   there are just too many to
    Mrs. Hosford. j1llian says   dunng the second   "Everything I do I find  to   college 1s  NYU  Polytechmc   favonte part of semor   choose from  Her favome
    that the most challeng1ng   semester. If Will  was   be fun  so everything I do IS   School of Engineering and   year is  that he's almost to   part of semor year IS  that
        task as a senior is   stranded on a deserted     for fun."   fifteen  years from  now she   graduation   she's almost done
       manag1ng her t1me   Island, he would need h1s            sees herself becom1ng a
                                                                mechanical eng1neer at a
                     poodle, Molly, golf clubs,
                                                                great eng1neering firm and
                     sweet tea, a bed, and of
                                                                pursutng her MBA.
                     course Zaxby's
                                                                                        "Work  smarter,
               "My  parents  came  to  America                                            not  harder."
               for  a  better  future ... so            I                                -Ethan  Bailey
                want  to  make  them  proud."
                           Priyanka  Patel
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