Page 210 - 2015 Columbian
P. 210

Most Clumsy
                                                                                                Most Athletic
         Mi<aela Br                an
                                                                                               b C         L        d
          Mikaela's latest fall  and   Alth   Malachi 1s  not
         most embarrassm  was   easily embarrassed, h1s                                   Caleb 1s  most def1mtely   Lync 1s the captam of
         when she /ell1nto a spl   most embarrass•  g fall  was   Most Likely to Have a   athletic, balanc1ng football,   the track team and plays
        nght in  the m1dd e o  the   at a Fnday night football                            soccer, and we1ghtliftmg.   basketball, but track is
         commons   •kaela says   game when he slipped    Band Camp Story                    Keep1ng good grades   her favonte sport. She
        s  e  · s always  been clumsy   nght out of the tunnel.                              is  important to him.   runs the 100, 200, 400,
          and even has a scar on   Before he d1es, he wanu                     ell       although it can  be difficult   4 by 1, and 4 by 4  The
          her knee from mppmg   to 1ump off the statu  of   Jasmine's favonte band   Lee's favorite part about   as a sen1or who plays   one moment that Lync
         on concrete  Before she   hberty (he'd probably fall   story 1s  when she and   be1ng 1n  band  IS  getting to   three sporu. Caleb plans   w1shes she could rehve IS
          she wanu to nde the   off of it though)  So far,   her fnends set up a tarp   play at the football games.   on going to college in  New   track reg1onals. Lyric says
                ollercoaster   Malach•'s favome h1gh   water slide and used soap   He's sure had plenty of   York after he graduates.   the hardest thmg with
                 gas and go   school memory has been   and  boog1e boards to   experience play•ng at   One moment that he   balancmg sporu and  be~ng
                 skyd1v1ng   gomg off of the blob at   shde down. She's been m   football games because   wishes he could relive 1s   a semor IS  keepmg her
                          Camp Kalaqua durmg the    band for seven years now   he has been 1n  band for   the ED Wh1te game.   grades up  and  making 1t to
                          Senior P1cn1c                plays the bass drum   seven years now  Lee plays    practice.
                                                     AI   ugh Jasmme plays   the snare drum, but he
                                                     bass dru  , she says that   would like to learn how
                                                     she woul   ve to learn   to play the tuba. After
                                                    how to play the tru..,.,-·rl·· h;...,
                                                                                           "Everything  I  do         I
                                                                                            1lnd  to  be  fun  so
                                                                                                      ng     I   do'  is
                                                                                                         fun. "
                                                                                                 Elijah  Rivera
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