Page 212 - 2015 Columbian
P. 212

Most Artistic

         Steven V cl      J        ompson
            Steven has a love of   ]emma loves to wake up
          draw1ng, everything he   and pa1nt or draw early
        sees 1nsp1res h1m  to draw   1n  the mornmg, us1ng
           and become a better   flowers and  nature as
         artiSt. Steven looks up to   her msp1rations  She also   Bleeds Purple and Gold
         Jon Mesa, a tattoo artiSt,   takes msp1rat1on from Van
                                                                            Thomas            Most Likely to be
        who uses normal everyday   Gogh, her favonte artist.
            items in h1s  art but   She can still remember the   JP owns at least 60 purple   "I was born bleeding   Seen at Starbucks
          enhances them. Soccer   time she painted a swamp   and gold items ranging   purple and gold "
          has been the best time   scene m  he e1ghth grade;   from socks to underwear   Savannah's favonte way       a
          of senior year for h1m,   it is  her favorite to th1s   to balloons. Painting up   to show her school   You may have seen h1m   M1randa stops by
          taking h1s  observations   day  When looking back   to the max is JP's favorite   sp1rit is on Homecoming   Starbucks two to three
                                                     way to express h1s   dress days  To Savannah   at Starbucks a couple of
        from  the game Into h1s art.   on th1s year she loves the                           times, and you better   t1mes a week to get
         After practice he likes to   thought of beg1nnmg a   school sp1nt. JP says that   "bleed1ng purple and gold"   believe the employees   her favonte dnnk, a tall
         go home and paint in  hiS.if'· IW!W . .Ql•~er of her life.   he w1shes he would've   is "being that person   or grande vamlla bean
                                                     been more involved   that IS  okay with look1ng   have. Some of them
                                                                                          even know h1m  by name.   frappuccino. Her favonte
                                                  w1th  everything at CHS,   crazy m front of the
                                                                                          Andrew's go-to Starbucks   part of senior year IS
                                                 although 1t' s safe to say he   student body, bemg able
                                                                                           drink IS  a wh1te  mocha/   reconnectmg w1th
                                                   was definitely involved.   to showcase their school
                                                                                           dark mocha frappuccino   that she hasn't hung out
                                                                   sp1nt by pamting up, bemg
                                                                                         double blended w1th wh1p.   w1th 1n  a wh1le. She also
                                                                   at sporting events, and
                                                                                            He goes to Starbucks   loves gomg out and
                                                                   always being the loudest
                         was  bor.  bleeding                       person m or out of the   about  two to three times   independent.
                                                                                          a week. Andrew says that
                       purple  a  d  gold."                                                 his favonte part about
                                                                                         semor year 1s  bemg able to
                          Savannah  Thomas                                                    leave school early
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