Page 79 - 2015 Columbian
P. 79

                                                                                                              has swum
                                                                                                          s1nce the age of
                                                                                                           seven and  has
                                                                                                        been on the CHS
                                                                                                         Sw1m team s1nce
                                                                                                           her freshmar
                                                                                                        year. She plans to
                                                                                   be on the sw1m team through her Semor year.
                                                                                   She would also hke to get the pos1t10n  of Sw1m
                                                                                     Team Capta1n  before she graduates. Brooke
                                                                                    feels that the sw1m  team works very strongly
                                                                                                together to help set records.

   First Row: Courtney Britt, Breland Phelps (Captain) Second Row: Coach Sabnna S1bbernsen, Rebecca Silva, Linzie  Hair,
   Jes 1 cca Jewett, L1lly  Swan, Madison Staten, Caitlin Greene, Brianna Pope, El1zabeth Fner, Brooke Silva, Coach MaryKay Math1s
   Third Row: Baylee Timmerman, Jemma Thompson, Ciera Swanson, Bethany Ba1ley, Kelcey McClean, Hannah Burns, Madison
   Sm1th, Damela P1ckering. Fourth Row: Andrew Fortier (Captain), Joshua Finley. Matthew Mathis, Risley Mab1le, Dylan McMahon,
   Gabe Rivena, John Paul Sm1th (Co-Captain), Kaylianna Paschal, Reilly Morse.


                                                                                                         IS workmg on h s
                                                                                                        second season for
                                                                                                        the CHS T1gers JV
                                                                                                       football team. He's
                                                                                                           played  footba~
                                                                                                          s1nce the age of
                                                                                                        four and has been
                                                                                                         1nfluenced by h1s
                                                                                    cous1n,  Rene  Perry. a former T1ger player and
                                                                                     Vernan Haurgevees, a defens1ve  back for the
                                                                                     Flonda Gators. A motto he plays and  hves by
                                                                                    IS  Ph1  pp1ans 4:13  "I  can do all th1ngs 1n Chnst
                                                                                   who strengthens me."  He believes that the way
                                                                                   the team plays together 1s through momentum
                                                                                          and  boosting off of each others' sp1nt.

   First Row:  D'Angelo Perry, Teon Dollard, Jam1lle  Bullock, Kalin Timmons, Tyler Walker, William Sheldon, Thomas Newsome,
   Edwm Thompson, Ta'dav1us  Freeland, Andrew Heaton. Second Row: Coach Brown, Noah Naylor, Franklm Jones, Zachary
   Williams, Jerem1yah Chatman, Preston Matthews, Michael  Kelly, Taurean Hill,  Lorinza Jelks, R1chard  Lee, Marion Manzanares,
   Dav1d  Howell, Coach Cannon. Third Row: Coach Harrell, Coach Fulton, Kaden Jones, Cameron Made1ros, Regmald Sharp,
   Dustm Haynes, Mathew Raulerson, Hunter Thompson, Cody Collms, Shak1  Harvey. Chnstopher Williams, Peyton Macdonald
   Fourth Row: Christian D1az-Perez, Jevon Williams, Logan Raluerson. Boaz S1mmons, Tyrese Peterson, Joseph Caputo, Scott
   Carman, Tyler Pope, Tahj Kelsey, Tayv1on Steward, Kylehk Williams, Jackson Thompson
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