Page 83 - 2015 Columbian
P. 83


                                                                                                           1co e  orse, a
                                                                                                          JUnior.  has run
                                                                                                          cross country
                                                                                                          for e1ght years.
                                                                                                          N1cole says her
                                                                                                          mother 1s  a role
                                                                                                          model for her
                                                                                                          because she ran
                                                                                                          1n  nathlons 1n
                                                                                                          her younger
                                                                                                          years. a feat
                                                                                                          N1cole wants to
                                                                                   also ach1eve.  N1cole has run With the Colu1T'b1a
                                                                                   team for three years and  plans to run aga1n  for
                                                                                   her sen1or year.  N1cole also  plans to contmue
                                                                                   runn1ng.  even 1f 1t's only for her benefit, 1n the
                                                                                   future because N1cole enjoys runn1ng.
   First Row: Bridget  Morse, Alex Faulstich,  Cassandra P1erron, Jillian  Morse, Sydni Jones, Kayle Nelson
   Second Row: Cody Bass, N1cole Morse, Chnsten Odum, Bermta Brown, Ashley Jones, Caroline Cn bbs.
   Third Row: Zack Flugrath, Chris Sellers, Elijah  Henderson, M1cah  Henderson, M1chael  Perez, Timothy P1erce.


                                                                                                           ea  er  oyd,
                                                                                                          a freshman,
                                                                                                          JOined the
                                                                                                          bowling team
                                                                                                          wrth only a
                                                                                                          few  months
                                                                                                          under her belt
                                                                                                          She sh1ned on
                                                                                                          the team w1th
                                                                                                          her h1gh score
                                                                                                          of the season
                                                                                   be1ng a 211, wh1ch  IS  only forty-mne  pomts
                                                                                   shy of a perfect game. She says she plans to
                                                                                   cont1nue bowling and take 1t  up as a hobby, 1f
                                                                                   not her profess1on.  Bowling has made her many
                                                                                   new fnends and taught her a sk1.  she hopes to
                                                                                   use to her advantage later 1n  l1fe.

   First Row: Elama Silcox. Lauren Snipes (Captain), Heather Boyd  Second Row: Bnttany Bnnk, Jeweliana Register, Camille
   Flores,  Mad1son Kennon, Breanne Fraz1er, Amanda Schmitt, Ashley Shoup  Third Row: Coach Roger Smpes, Kass1dy Parker.
   D1ana Phill1ps, Makayla Stalvey, Aisha Belen, Sierra Krolikowski, Coach Brian Saunders
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