Page 81 - 2015 Columbian
P. 81
"It's great knowtng t'lat all !1e hard
work you've put n has firat y pad off,
there's a huge wetgt>t I fted off of your
shoulders and you can finally re ax.·
Loren Russel (12} "Its ore of tl-te
most amaztng fee ngs n the world to
~nnw your eaM came together and
Coach Carter, Samantha Service, Meghan Jones, Shaylm Barber, Gillian Norris, Abigail Bltzzard, Loren Russel. t- r hardest for a VICtory·
Gillian Norris (12} "Before a mat& I
g gamzed and get my dubs m the
proper places. I also ma e sure I have
plen y of water. Before every matct>
am gets toge !'ler and pray."
Abigail Blizzard (12}
"Before a match. I hke to
l1sten to mus1c and warm up
so I am fully prepared before
the match beg1ns. I th1nk you
need to be fully prepared
that way you can do your
First Row: Colby Scott, Drew Mtnson, Charles Souctnek, Zane McCranie. Second Row: Dillan VanVleck, Garrett Finnell, Nicholas Tyre,
absolute best."
Gregory Soucmek, Coach Smtthy