Page 84 - 2015 Columbian
P. 84
Capta1n Kyle
{12} believes
playtng soccer
for the past
four years at
Columbta has
had a huge
Influence on
him. Kyle
said that
soccer has
helped h1m work on sk1lls such as leadershtp,
determtnatton, and respons1b1lity. The game
that has Impacted Kyle the most was his very
last one agatnst Gatnesvlile Htgh because 1t
was the end of a four year run 1n the purple
and gold. The nval team that he enJoyed the
most was Suwannee, the nature of that game First Row: Ethan O 'Hearn, Steven Vazquez, Chase Innocenti, Brock Edge, Joe Beach, Darren Brock, Non Achavanuntakul. Tyler Pterce
and the nvalry 1n generalts JUSt physical and it Second Row: Coach Turner, W ill Bowen, Hunter Houston, Brant Nelson, Trent Morm on, Kyle Rtchardson, Braxton Trevarrow,
also has so much tradition behind it. Kyle said Ntck Gerome, Deandre Jones, Gilberte Bilanos, Coach Thomas. Third Row: Coach O 'Steen, Tnstan O 'Steen, Tyler Aune,
Caleb Carswell. Dylan Ward, Aaron Giesler, Marltn Owens, Timothy Dotson, Spencer Robinson, Dusttn Carwille, and Coach Tyler
that Coach Tyler has had a huge effect on h1s
life, "he taught me more than just the game of
soccer, he taught me about the game of life."
avid soccer
player s1nce
the age of
four years old.
His dad was
the key factor
to his gettmg
1nto the game.
"He's really
the reason I started playing soccer." Henry
conttnues to play soccer because he wants to
be phystcally fit and healthy, and he loves the
game. He cred1ts Coach Andre for mak1ng a
huge 1mpact on h1m. "I've known h1m all my
life and he is always there to motivate me."
He sa1d a game he'll never forget from this
past year was aga1nst Eaststde High School, First Row: Chtpper Brinkley, William Vickers, Dillon Brannon, Marion Manzanares, Garret Cook, Henry Godbolt IV, Matthew Adams
"Dylan put in a last mtnute goal and we won, Second Row: Russel Hampton, Brian Brennan, Matthew Mathts, David Hunuberry, Bryson Hampton, Jakob Ehler, Jake Ayers
1t was crazy." Hts favonte rival to play against Evan O 'Hearn.Third Row: Coach Roberts, Ryan English, Caleb Roberts, Victor Montane-Cruz, Skyler Cooley, Caleb Stnckland
tsn't really a nval, he looks forward to play1ng Mtcah Henderson, Ronnie Rice, Billie Friar, Coach Andre.
the toughest team on the schedule and thts
year that was JesUit.