Page 196 - 2016 Columbian
P. 196
Amenca, Land of the Free ... Home of the Tigers was the Homecom1ng theme th 1 s
year. Each class was nsp1red by a reg1on of the Un1ted States for thew floats and
sk•ts. Start:'"lg w1th '"Menca Monday," students dressed anyth1ng red, wh1te, ard
E R I C A blue. Th1s mcluded AMencan flag legg1ngs. shorts, and tutus. The Jumor Class
Pres1dent. Hunter Peeler, even had a sUit that was custom made, to wear for tl'> s
day. Sen1ors placed first for the1r patnot1c dress, second place was
M 0 N D A Y awarded to the jun1ors, Sophomores placed th1rd, and 1n fourth place,
1 Dylan enes(11)
st>ows ~ s Menca pnde
by flagg1ng down
bystanders r tre
ha !way.
2 Patnotc
sophorrores. Hanna
Hum on, Em y
Harnngton, Kengan
Kenner\ Malone
Ronsone , Sarah D1cks,
and Bu•e Surnmer 10.
3. Greer Hann•gan,
M ayla Col ns, Hannah
Kn ght. and Irene
Cam o, a freshmen,
show o the r red,
wr te, and b ue.
4. Red, whne. and
tutus: freshmen Ashlund
Gardrer and Chloe
Greer representing
Arrencan Pnde 10
be ween dass.
5. son~ ruesdale (09)
and Ablgale Da ey ( 12)
broadcast the•r star and