Page 199 - 2016 Columbian
P. 199
Through the Y E A R S
Th1s year Columb1a H1gh School celebrated 1ts 40th anmversary at
th1s campus. To commemorate th1s, Thursday's dress theme was
based off of any decade 1n CHS h1story. Students dressed 1n 50s,
60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s themed att1re. The Sen1ors placed first and
showed all the other classes how to throw 1t back, second place
was awarded to jun1ors, Sophomores placed th1rd, and in fourth
place was the Freshmen. Also Included on "Throwback Thursday"
were sk1t night and the final n1ght of float buuding.
1 N1cole Morse (12). W1 1aM Grffin (12). and
Ryann Collirs (10) stnke a groovy group photo.
2. Chloe Green (09) and Colby OdorT' (09) throw
backs to the 60s w1 h t1e-<fye and peace s•gns.
3. Logan Stanley, Autumn W•ll•amson, and Sarah
Garbett. all freshmen. bnng back the grunge look.
4. Before head1ng to dass A l1son Truesdale (09) and
Kayla Caslow (11) show off what they h n should be
worn on Throwbac Thursday
5. Dest ny W1lson (09) throws ot back to he 90s by
rOd< ng a N1rvana tee and a bandanna.
Mr. Wee y nroWing 1
It back..
waaay bac to the
50s I