Page 197 - 2016 Columbian
P. 197

                                                                        Hunter Peeler (  1, shows off h s custofTI
                                                                        rr1ade red. whr e. and blue patno  c su t w th
                                                                      Kyrsten G ebe g (11)

                                                                    Drew Mrnson ('0) stands rn  fror  of the
                                                                       Sopt>omore nap  rns.  whrct>  p aced
                                                                                                 Ha ey Crews(' 2, and  M  ae  Byrd
                                                                                                     ( 12) are bo h prepared  o
                                                                                                 V   be typrcal Ronda  ounsts.

                                                                                                  A group of JUnrors, Avery
                                                                                                  Wa lace, S ephan e Roberts,
                                                                                                  0   aGusr,Danrea
                                                                                                  P ckenng, Anasha Kapas ,
                                                                                                  Camrl e .Florez, En>rly De
                                                                                                  Leon, and Haf'lnah Munns,
                                                                                                  go  los  rn  the COI"'lmons and
                                                                                                  were loo  ng for tl>e r way



             2  Kns  n Mangrurr1 ( 11) and Barlee
             Mangrum (09) were ready to set off                     Lost in  the J U  N  G  L E?
             for therr darly adventure of school.
             3.  Logaf'l Lowery ( 11) looked  rke he
             was ready to travel to Hawarr wrth hrs
             4.  Starbucks and brnoculars rn  hand
             Katelyn Peyton (09) was ready to find
             .,er way through the Jungle.
             5.  jacob Garnrer (10), Manhew
             Mathrs (11), and  Zackery Mrtchel (11)
             wore the basrc tacky tourrst floral
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