Page 198 - 2016 Columbian
P. 198
Sen ors. Abby C, es
and Lauren Sapp, ta e
1t a I the way bac wtth
80s workout tnerned atttre
Mr Fems and Thomas
Aldndge 1 10) wor
on a proJect wh e
roc tng the camo.
Tre11ter Perry (10) does wor wh1 e
look ng good 1n h1s carPo att re.
1. Senters Troy Regtster (12)
and Justin Johns ( 12) stnke the
class1c Country Bo pose.
2 Allyson Huggtns (10),
Kayla Salerno ( 11 ). and
Sarah R1chards ( 11) snap a
ptcture showtng of( all of thetr
cool camo sh1rts.
3. Lexus Eaker (12) tak1ng
care of the bunntes up at the
land lab and staytng warm wtth
her camo Jacket.
4. Chan y Combs and Haley
Raulerson, both sentors, show
off how much they love camo
and Guy Harvey for a photo.
5. Ms. Sheldon and Wilham
Sheldon ( 11) stop by for a not
so typiCal mo her and sor photo
Layout d s gr by Bnttany Helms (1 1) full of camo.