Page 35 - 2018 Columbian
P. 35

Darien McQuay
                                                                       (12)   d
                                                                        re   e pays
                                                                    too oa1  IS becaus  l'e
                                                                      loves the sport  H
                                                                      says  Trere s ro
                                                                     be  er fee  ~g t  ar to
                                                                      sur! up 1n pads afld
                                                                        play  ,  front of
                                                                     everyone  as well as
                                                                    trymg to make a name
                                                                    for yourself and make
                                                                       t out of your c1ty.·

                                                                              We ge  a pen~y f.-om our b ggest
                                                                              fan  De   s Before eacr game
                                                                               put the perry n rny sock  I a so
                                                                               l1s'  - '  R y   0 W1  ~n+ v, •  -
                                                                               sp    b•    ry q
                                                                                  Andrew Heaton (12)

                                                                                          "Before every game  do two
                                                                                          th ngs  ister to m  s c n order  o
                                                                                          l'e p myst  get foe~. sed  as we  as
                                                                                              -'-  <>  In n•  n  re rryself
                                                                                          La'Torrence Jones (11)

                                                                              My fresrl"'an year I begar to pray
                                                                               be ore every game  It he ps Me
                                                                              foe    1 +h  r.;,n  ~ n" rry
                                                                                   Derek Johnson (10)

                                                                                          "One of our  earr> asslSian  prays
                                                                                          over pennieS and grves one to each
                                                                                          player before a gam  I put the pen:'1}'
                                                                                          '" '"Y --  '-·e ~- 'Jarr>e and
                                                                                                 y     m•
                                                                                          Tyrese Peterson (12)

                                                                              "I t!l nk about a  re th ngs Coacr
                                                                               A er does for us  Eacr year re
                                                                              works hard to ge  us  o  he sta e
                                                                              cha  p onsh p so we can br ng a
                                                                             wm t,oMe to our rity  f.! s s   rhes
                                                                              get me f,.-  d  -" •  dy •- o
                                                                               some 1  Jmt  -  r   o
                                                                                    Jaden Williams (9)

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