Page 40 - 2018 Columbian
P. 40
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1- en Case Collier(12) Keria langley (11) lance Minson (10)
c::c -~ t:l n r ,J wa. rwar "lJ:' I(
:::c ..... b ast~ng SO's classrc rock, candy. shoes and more sunglasses rn case I'm r-
and my ha r products.
the sun. also keep
3: ~ Good t>a r makes you some tools for My c ubs
rf they reed adjust ng •
play better •
1. laur nee R I (12) popprng the
golf ball out of the sand prt. 2. I r
IT Yaxley (10) laughing because one of his
Minson (12 linrng up hrs putt. 3.
teammates shanked a ball. 4.
a d (9 focused on her shot
If you can be a golf front nrne. 5. Sydney Ty e (10
club which one, why? the ball with her iron. 6.
Dempsey 12 finrshing her tee shot.
1. Dylan Can on 10) watchrng where
his ball went after his tee shot.