Page 40 - 2018 Columbian
P. 40

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            -    :::z:::  :::s
            en t- ~
            ....    "'0
            1-       en   Case Collier(12)   Keria langley (11)   lance Minson (10)
            c::c    -~    t:l   n          r  ,J   wa.       rwar   "lJ:'  I(
            :::c    .....   b ast~ng SO's classrc rock,   candy. shoes and more   sunglasses rn case I'm  r-
                         and my ha r products.
                                                            the sun.  also keep
            3:      ~  Good t>a r makes you                 some tools for My c ubs
                                                            rf  they reed  adjust ng •
                         play better •
                                                       1. laur  nee R   I (12)  popprng the
                                                       golf  ball  out  of  the  sand  prt.  2.   I  r
                                    IT                 Yaxley (10) laughing because one of his
                                                       Minson  (12  linrng  up  hrs  putt.  3.
                                                       teammates  shanked  a  ball.  4.
                                                        a d  (9  focused  on  her  shot
                 If you can  be a golf                 front  nrne.  5.  Sydney  Ty e  (10
               club which one, why?                    the  ball  with  her  iron.  6.
                                                       Dempsey  12  finrshing  her  tee  shot.
                                                       1.  Dylan  Can  on  10)  watchrng  where
                                                       his ball went after his tee shot.

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