Page 38 - 2018 Columbian
P. 38



                 The most  mportant
                                                            1.  Haley Shallar (12) focuses on the oncoming serve from the oppos1ng
                 character trarts are
                be ng respectfu  and                        team  2.  E ica  Faulkner  (11),  hits  the  ball  to  make  a kill.  3.  Rielly  Ruise
                   pos  e to your                           (12 1 ,  hits  the  ball  while  her  teammates  cover  her  in  case  the  ball  is
                teammates  • . They                         deflected 4.  Mikayla  Collins  (11),  tips  the  ball  over the  net  wh1le  Rielly
                 (sports) are at least                      Ru   (12), attempts to block her during the CHS Purple and Gold game.
                  60% of a mental                           5.  The  team  celebrates  after scoring  a pomt.  6.  Haley Sh   2  and
                 gaMe  so if you p ck                       Dayc  e   le  (11),  congratulate  each  other  after  the  team  scores  a
                up your teammates,                          po1nt.  7.  S  ye  McCollum  (12),  focus1ng  on  the  other  team's  play.  8.
                  t  y play b.
                                                            Mikay a Col  ns (11) prepares to make a kill during the dig p1nk game.
              Mikayla Collins (11)

                                    Important character tra1ts
                                    are cooperat1on and
                                    'Volleyball IS a team
                                    sport and everyone has a
                                    different way of seemg
                                      J pr•   ~  ng th"
                                    Krista Starling (12)

               How often
                   do you
                          Haley Shallar (12)   Hanna Hamilton (12)   Erica Faulkner (11)
               wash your    have n v  ~r w<  n d my   hav•  never Wd ;hed my   N(  a   ~en   I ,h .uld
             knee pads?   knee pad~  1 fee1 1 ke 1f 1   knee pads .. when they   but evl!ry 2·3 week~.  The
                          do, I m1ght wash away the   stmk I buy new ones."   longest she went w1thout
                           uck.'                             washmg was a month.

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