Page 37 - 2018 Columbian
P. 37

Callie Williams (12)
                                                                            r   T y J:   10
                                                                           ,_  <;<I  bt:   LIS€  g v
                                                                          you avo ce w1thout ha  ng to
                                                                          say anyth1ng, I express
                                                                          Myself throust> moverrerts  I
                                                                          see a future 1n dance
                                                                          whether it be dancmg on a
                                                                          college team or find ng a
                                                    Casey Jones (12)  N   stud1o  I pan to darce for as   Buie Summerlin (12)
                                                      e  w   r-           ong as  can·                    r•
                                                      .e   wy~.,.l                             r  y~t:  Wt.t!n I am hav ng a
                                                    can not  mag ne a day                      bad day  dance  s me up
                                                    w hout dance  whether  t be                Dance allows for freedom of
                                                    pract c ng t;~rns n the                    express or trrough rnus c
                                                    k tchen or creat ng rout nes               and I can express exact y
                                                    n my room.  Be ng a                        row I fee  Be ng a T1gerette
                                                    T1gere  e IS about coMb mng                rreans a ot to me  t IS a
                                                    emot on With techn1que and                 trad t1on  r our lam ly. As for
                                                    creat1ng someth ng worth all                he future  rf the :..ord wants
                                                    the blood  swea  and tears •         LE .,,,~,·
                                                                                               rre to dance t  en the doers

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