Page 101 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 101
.\ fellow they called "Sergeant" ~tood us up in two straight row:;,
And showed us how to hold our guns and where to point our toes.
He also ordered us to" dress." and hade th do it" right "-
\\'hen we were wearing, then and there, the nicest clothes in sight!
1-fe told us we must" order arms," but did not say from where,
X or mention who would pay the freight: he did not seem to care.
But he gave me such a stony look: I felt quite petrified
\\'hen I Yentured to suggest to him that we wen~ now supplied.
He told us to " present" our guns. I bowed and offered mine-
\\'hen with a scowl as black as night he walked me ha.::k in line.
And then he swore a martial oath-" By the Right Flank, ~larch 1 " he said .
• \nd he asked me wher..: I was going when I startL'<i straight ahead.
\\'e simply couldn ·t please the man, no matter what we'd do
His own mind for a minute I am sure he ne\·er knew.
He'd ha\'e us change position. then, "As )'OU were 1 " h_e'd roar.
\\'ith " :-larch! " and " Halt 1 " and " ~[arch 1 " again. our patience ho11· he won:!
I hear them call him a" non ·com." and that's just what he is.
Xo sane man could be capable of conduct such as his.
And teachings in the trade of war how dare a mere apprentice
Accept from an instructor known to be 11011 (umj>os mot/is! A . J. Sl, \TI I{ tn {'1/{k