Page 102 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 102
A Transformation.
~ .. "!:!~[m2. 0\1 E ,·ears ag-o it was the custom of would·be students to be questioned as to what course of
study they de,;ired to take, and they would answer by saying, "\\'ell, I don't know. Jtrst
whate\er you want me to take." To this the college official alway~ replied," It will be well
for you to take the regular course, so report to the Professor in charge of the Prep., and
he will g-i,·c you an examination. : This the boy would attempt, but the result would fre-
qu~ntly be unsathfal·tory in l'r~p . circles, so the hoy was sent back to the President, and here he asked that
he he allowed to take a Business Course, plus Teleg-raphy, Stenography and Typewriting. And again he
\\liS sent forth to interview another Professor, and allowed to beg-in on this work only to fail in the end.
t >f l:ltc the conditions ha\'e very materially changed. For now, when a hoy comes to take the Business
Couhc, he h;b to pass a rig-id examination. If he fails in this, he is returned to the President with about this
llJ'\1{ l'HEX\':
The bearer is not capable of doing satisfactorily the work in my d~partment. However,
h<: •ccnh to he good raw material , and l would suggest that he be gi,·en a trial at the Prep. lf he will apply
himsdf for two years. no doubt he will be able to successfully take up, and complete in another year, the work
in this department.
\'ery respectfully,
Instructor of Business Department.
1'. S. It ts our intention to turn out students fitted for obtaining and holding positions of honor and