Page 103 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 103

Honor  to  Whom  Honor  ts  Due.

                                   HE  Class of  I9<H  was  organized  soon  after  Chrbtmas, and  it  \\a'  b,·  th<·  ath·in•  .uul  sug"''~
                                     tion  of :\Tiss  :\lcCiintock  that  the  organiZation  ,,·as  first  perfc·l'led.
                                         It was  by her  suggestion  that  we  first  came  to  discuss  the  ide.1  of  gl'lting- out  .1
                                     year book.  and  it  is  largely  due  to  her  suggestions  and  counsel  that  the  annn:ll  ,,, ~  laid
                                     before  the  public.
                                         She  atknded  our  meetings  at  fir:<t,  and  :uh·ised  our  work,  planned  0111  onkr  of
                                     working and helped us in  ways innumerable,  which to attempt to name would he mert• lolh·
                                         It is  to  her  that  the  Junior  Class  is  indebted  for  any  degree  of  suc<:t~s '' ith  11 hich
                       our  much-cherished  annual  may meet. and, if we  can  only  gain  her  approbation  in  our work , 11e  fu:l "'
                       ha,·c  \\'On  a  priceless  jewel  and  gained a  most  precious  reward.
                            It is  to  the  kindness  and  thoughtfulness of this  incomparable  lad~ that we  are  indebkd for  0\II  h:tnnn,
                       that  beautiful  emblem  hearing  our  colors  of  cerise  and  white, the  sight  of which  mak<"'  tht•  h  .1rt  of< ni'
                       member of the class of  1901  thrill with pride and jo~·.
                            It was  wholly  a  surprise  to  the  class  and  this  gift  was  prized  the  more  from  the  fat•t  that  it  11 as
                       utterly unexpected.
                            It was  on  Sunday  evening  that  the  Pn:sident  of  the  Institution  informed  the  l'resi<knt  of  thl"  l'l.1"
                       that  he  had a  package in  the office.  \\'hen it was  found  out what it was,  the air was  rent h~ a  cheer th:1t  hroh•
                       on the  abbath  stillness  like a sudden  peal of thunder on a  clear day.
                            If the members of the class  ba\·e  not  thanked  their  kiud  benefactor as theY  should ha,·e done, it 11 ,,...  not
                       because  they did  not  appreciate  the  gift,  not  because  they  did  not  feel  grateful  for  the  kindm·,s, hut  bt:t·au-c
                       words were  inadequate to express  their  appreciation  and  regard to this kind  friend who  has  ht:frit-tult-d  lh in so
                       many ways.
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