Page 105 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 105
- _ ~t 1l ER II AI'S the military feature of our college has not recein·d the attention it tnerited in our annual:
li~ but if we han~ slighted it, it was because we thought that that department of the institution w.h
L~~ understood. and not because we had any desire to show an~· fayors to any special departm~nh.
lal\1 ;~: Our battalion has long been known as one of the b.:st in the South. and one of the tttO'it
inte•esting features in our t·ommencemenb Ita~ alway~ been the t'ompditiYe drill l>etwe<:n the com-
p tnie; for the color company prize presented to the battalion through the generosity of the citizc·ns of Lake City
The following is the record of the winning companies in the \·arious drills for the pri1e ntp
Co. C, tX<J3. C\P't' .• \. 1,. Qt \1:\T\'\l'F
Co. C, t8y.;, C\t'T. J J l't·:I.OT.
Co. B, 1895. C \PT. J. \\' \\'11.1.r "'~
Co. B, tXy6, C\PT. (; R. ~ICKF\:\ .
Co .• \ , tHy7, C\PT. \\' T C \H\
Co. C, tH':IX, C\PT. En. II Ct.tTti.
Co A. t8<Jl), C\1'1'. \\'. E HF"~I.F\'