Page 127 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 127

What's  tn  a Name?

                                   HAT'S in a  name anyway is a  que;,tion that \\e heat  n~ry often, hut it seems to us that there
                                     is a  great deal  in some name,.,, as will  he seen by the folio" ing article written by an anony
                                 moth author, and dropped into our contribution box at our office door.
                                      So says the writer:  "llid you eyer notice what romantic natnL.,;  our girb han'?  J.i;,tcn .
                                 and don  t  forget.
                                    The Brn.r. of  the Junior Class has a  weakness for  Ht ~~ nou>T cigars, and is abo su;,pectcd of
                               being quite foud of Rm1 11  ( ing  , while the PE \RL of  great  !'RIC!-: set!ms to haYe chosen  BROil''>  for
                               her fa1·orite color.
                               ll.\R\'E\'  \\'.\t'Gll  must  be  somewhat of a  glutton, for we  ha1·e  heard  that he was 1·ery particular
                     about  his  GRt'BB, and we  ha1·e  been  told  recently that  one of our  Freshman  friends had been  PFt;~ (ing)  nry
                     habitually lately.
                          There is a  BRoo~ ( \\'alter) in town, along side of  which you can 1·ery often see a  blushing 1> 11~1·
                          Some of our young men are particularly fond  of  11 I~S .  especially those who bear hihlical names.
                          K'>IGHT  is always popular among the boys, and  Ru:rt is a  fa1·orite among the hoarders in the me;,;,  hall.
                          GR.\CE  is one thing we  would  all  like to call our own. and it is said that one of our hraim· juniors, ;,onte·
                     times  spoken of as •· The  :\Ian  with  the  Hoe," is especially  fond of the KITCIIt·:-.;,  and we believe it becau,.,e hi,
                     motto is ·•  Eat much, and get your moneys worth. "
                          \\'e haYe  in our midst an old time XOtot 1:->,  who is said to be getting very STRn:TI' lately.
                          One of the sons of one of our professors  j, obscrn~d to he den>ting  most of  hi, time for seYeral  month,.,  to
                     a  detailed study of ScoTT.
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