Page 128 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 128

\  C\hri.I-.H  is .rlway-, a la\·oritl', and  B\H~F~ are ornamPntal  rs  well as useful
                             Th~re are many hoy,;  in  College who are pa"ionately fond  of strolling  along beside the beautiful  HHoor.:~.
                        whik not frr away is the habihrt of the Lri.I.II(, one of our rare,;t and most popular flowers.
                             It was said recently that CoHI>O~ BRow:-;  was  HOPI·.  ( ingl again, and we feel  sure that se\'cral of the boys
                        arl' anxiou-,\y awaiting the return of their Kr:-.-G.
                             \\'e arc informed  that Oun; Kr:-.-~ rso~ is the most Yot':-.:<;  (ish) bo\· in school  for  his age, and  it is a fact,
                        estabhhed beyond the shadow of a  doubt, that the delight of Lr\·t:-.-<;STOK  is in a  little  BrHDIF.
                             Last,  hut  not  il•ast,  one of our  cadets,  \\ho  is  large enough to blow a  bugle, is quoted as saying,  " \\'c11 ,
                        vou may all talk about the beauties of Spring,  Autumn or \\'inter, hut if I  could always h:we the St'\DIERS with
                        nre  I  would be perfectly happy.  '

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