Page 132 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 132


                         H .  .-\.  Layt•oc.:k,  ln~tnu.·tor  in  the  .\rt  of  I.ctter-\\ritittg-.   Patillo  ami  l.:t)TOCk,  Elc.·ctrit.~ians.   Dormitory  \\'iring a
                       Lon•  l,t·tll'f!'-1 a  Sp<-·c.·ialty.   Hi~ Motto;  ·• Short, lmt Swet:t.''   Spcdalty
                         Carrt·l, lkalt·r 111  Kodak  Supplies, aud  all  kinds of  Photo-  Latt:..,l  Book  ou  Political  Et.·onomy, hy C. 0. Fiuch.  En-
                       Kraphit• ( )utfits.                       titlcfl,  "It b. Cheaper to  Borrow  than  to  Buy."  \\'ith an .\p-
                         The  youug- ladies'  Donnitory  \\ill  he  open  Octohcr  1st.   pen<lh., hy l\1.  M.  i\lann.
                       'Ma)(llifil•t:ntly  huilt,  at•t•onting  to  <~othil'  ardlilt:l'lun·,· and   Call on ml:mht.:rs of tht: Sophomore L:1tin  Cla!-.s  for Instruc-
                       hand...,omely t:quippt.·d insult:.  Latest dcsi).{ns for hcatinK.   tion"> in  Pony  Riding.
                         ~- P.  ln:s has a  LarKe  Stock of·s, hoth  Old  and  :--;c\\.   For  Advice  on  Hood<X•ing  Professors,  call  011  or addn·ss
                       Call, and lu:  , .. ill ).{in· you a  ft.·,,  Samples Free of charge.   Skinny Palmer.
                         Lale!-.l  Book ott  Lon·  '1akin~. h)  \\'.  B.  Cont·.  Prkc, One   Just out!  A  hook, t:ntitlccl  01  How  to  Keep  from  Scrap-
                       Cigan:lll'.                               ping- over Lawn Tennis," hy Prof.  R.  ~-Hadley.
                                                      Lost  and  Found.

                         LoST.  A Cla..,s in  Elocution h)  Prof. 1\1.  )1. \\"amholdt.   LOST.   By  :\liss  I\lcClintock, All  Belief  in  the \'cracity of
                         Los-r.  By H. M. Fl'arnstdc, Tcu Cents iu a  Raffie.   the Editorial Staff of  the Year-hook.
                                                                   Losi.  One Tennis Ball.  Finder will please return to Prof.
                         Fol·:\o.-Dy :\1.  1\1.  Rro,,n, a  Yaluahlc '' Pf.•arl.''  The fi111ler
                       hopes to keep it.                         Borger.
                         Fot Nl>.  By  L.  T.  Patillo, ~l  ~ole in  (~irl's  Hand-writi11g-.   Professor \\~augh lost  his  temper  recently.  J-<inder  is re-
                       ~o ndclrt~s is  ~iv<:n, ami no name  sigm:d.  First three words,   quested to keep out of  ">ig-ht.
                       "  I\1 y  Own Darling-.''                    LOST.  Three year~· growth hy  )liss Fig-uaroa.
                         Losi.  By J.  K..  Coog-lt.•r,  All  '' Hope"  of  futun•  Happi-  LOSi.  By  Dr.  \V.  F.  Yocum,  q  \Vch-f<x>lcd  ~ormals.
                                                                 Finder will just keep them.
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