Page 36 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 36

One  of our newest  pictures is a long narrow one  of exceeding
                                                    and fantastic de,;ign   Xo  Sis ·• The L'lst of  the Longfellows."  This
                                                    picture is e,;pecially \'alued by  the class of 1901, since it is a ,·ery strik-
                                                    ing likents.; of the  President of that class.  Besides, this  is  an  up to
                                                    date picture, one of  the latest  productions of an  American artist, and
                                                    from  its  effect  upon  the
                                                    feminine  mind,  it  received
                                                    from its originator, the title
                                                    "The  l'tah  Hero,  Brig
                                                    ham  Roberts."  Indeed,
                                                    that  again  suggests  the
                                                    likeness  to  our  President.
                                                    for  has  he not a  number of
                                                    f.~ir worshippers ?  .\s you
                                                    see  him strolling aloug the
                                                    banks  of  the  bahbliug
                                                    Brooks, you will notice that
                                                    his  attention  is  as  much
                                                    given  to the the  Rice  a~ to
                                                    the  Brook(s)
                                                         Duriug the past year
                     we have  had  some \aluable  addition~ to  our gallery-a  collection  of
                     archin:s  These have been in txistence since The lhrk .\ges. but like
                     the foolish \'irgius, they ha\'e slumbered and slept. and now they come
                     to us as the Fa//,·,t .ln.t:dL
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