Page 37 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 37
The first picture which we notice in this ~erie~ is " The '\ oisy
Bell," .\n(d) a Bell she is It was a mere accident that we ecured this
treasure. It was owned and highly prized by Baron \'on llumbolt
but as is well known at
his shipwreck, an old
Rowe (r)- Randal by
name- found this Bell in
the debris and clings to it
"ith the same tenacity that
the old German showed
Randal had always been
interested in the lnstitu·
lion and thought this an
opportunity for ~bowing
that he could find no bet·
ter storehou~e for the oh·
ject of his afT,ctiOih than
the Palace of .\rt The he·
donie affinity between this and "The :\Ian with the Hoe" has
been often remarked upon. It is e\· n said by the supersti-
tious that the witching hours of night, see the Bell slip from
its present position and (ap)peal to "The Dutchman with the Hoe. ·•