Page 40 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 40

\\'c think the name of'  The \\"augh  Scene," or " \\'hen Knighthood was in Flower.''
                                             especially appropriate for  ;\o  '3·  It Is a  most  life-like  scene  and  true to  nature.  Fur
                                             years  bold knights  ha\·e  fought  for  fair  ladies, and this  depicts  our  modern  touma-
                                             nu:nt  of college  life.  In viewing  this, we  almost  see  the  moYements  and  in our  ears
                                             ring  the  ejaculations,  ' 'Great  Scott !"  "By  (;rubb' "  "~lama's  Pride! "  seems  the
                                             bra\·er  of  the two :  with  daring  courage  he  rushes on  to  \·ictory, but when  the prize

              is  won  his  ambition  is satisfied  ancl  he
              passes to another and lea Yes  the  spoils to
              ''l'apa'sJoy."  Though "Mama's Pride"
              is  more courageous, yet  "Papa's Joy ··
              bears  the  nobler  brow,  such  as  Cicero
              might  ha\·e  been  proud  of,  and  that
              Xapoleon  would  have  gi\-en  half  his
              dominions to  possess.   It  is  so  broad,
              so  noble  looking  that  it  seems  almost
              bursting with knowledge and  wisdom .
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