Page 38 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 38

Xo  10 has just heeu recei\·ed, and is a  valuable addition.  The
                                                   order for it was placed in the early  Fall, but  unfortunately on the way
                                                   tons, the picture was held in quarantine, which caused great delay.  'fhe
                                                   committee in charge of cata-
                                                   loguing,  so  far,  has  hecn
                                                   unable  to   decide  upon
                                                   a  suitable name, but  Hope
                                                   is  still  with  us.   The
                                                   place  tba~  had  been  as-
                                                   signed  to  tbe  picture,  in
                                                   the  Palace  of  Art, remains
                                                   u n fi 11 e d.  The  heads  of
                                                   the Mathematical and Phys-
                                                   ical  Departments have con-
                                                   tended for the ownership of
                                                   this  sketch,  since  it  bears
                                                   ~uch a striking resemblance
                     ~-----.!Jj&..-"'-~U..--..;..;;;.;......Jo~ to  a  Hope, the nonpa
                     rcil  of  these  two  sciences. The  contention  does  not abate,  and
                     we  sec tht!m clinging to her with  excee ling devotion.  The Mathe-
                     nntician  calls  her  his  Hypatia  while  John  ?11ason  is  satisfied
                     to Hope.
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