Page 79 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 79
But on thi~ Friday afternoon the douds hung lo\\' and threatt:ning. and he kept looking anxion,ly .lt them,
and, thrusting hi' hands dl'<'P down into his pockeb, as if he wt:re ~c·ardting for the dollat whil'h wa~n t ther · .
. \~ tlu: aftemoon ad\'atl<.'t:d the rain began to fall ~lowly, but steadily, likl• the t:arth on a l'Oflin where an.•
buried our dead hopt:s.
As <'an he imagined, the young man was at a loss what to do.
He went to the 'phone and rang up the proprit:lorofthe lin!r) stable, intending to hire a catriage again on
credit, only to receiYe the ent'ouraging news that he had a bill there of se1·eral month ·~ st.uuling-, and no carriage
could com\! 11ithout the money in ad1·ance
l't:ople who are familiar with the liY.:s of our college boys will readil~· sl~ that tht:re was onh· one course•
ldt, and it \\'as astonishing to 'l"' ho11 rapidly he changed after he disco\'ered that tht:re wa' no hope of procuring
a carriage.
Ink.,_~ than ten minutes be \\'as suffering from sick headache, dyspepsia, rheumatism. ~ore eves, sore thmat
and several other diseasl., of a similar nature, any one of \\'hich would , he felt ~ure, cause his <k-ath before :'lion day.
He botTO\\'t:d a pen, ink and papt:r and carefully \\'Orded the following note:
Dt·:.IREST .\I.ICI .\ :-
It is with a sorr0\1ful heart, a~ wdl as a pt:n and ink, that I write you this short note. I had thought to
be by your side again to·night, and to enjoy the exquisite delight of feeling the tout'h of your dainty fingers on
my coat s'ee1·e as we ;,·,zfkni together down the street.
But fortune has robbed me of my pleasure. I have been threatened all the week with pneumonia, and this
afternoon I was taken down by a chill directly after the time for drill formation. and now I have a high fe1·er.
\\'ords cannot expr.:ss to you my grief at being lllwM, to he with vou titis e1·ening. I am told the play will
he fine, but it b not for the play that I care. I am always supremely happv when I am in your presence, and it seems
lia1d, oh, so liard, that I must be so disappointed this e\·ening.
EYer yours,
The cadet was on the sick list until the following Wednesday