Page 80 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 80
"Much Ado About Nothing."
I IE a1·er.tge cadet of our t•ollegl· is an easy going fellow who does not pay n~ry much attention to the slurs
that are thrown at him hy the enYious studcuts of our other Stale ins!itutions, who, jealous of our
gr0wth in nu1nhers and influence during the last few years, stri1·e in Yery mean 1\·ays sontt: times to
throw nl'.t<l on our fair name.
But sometimes it happens that one of our boy5 awakt ns to anger, and when such is the case the sun is 1·ery
apt to" (;o down on his wrath, unless he gets angry before chapel in the morning."
One l1ttle .utu:k, from a Gaittesl·ille paper, of course, came to our 11otice some time sittce
It was a descriptiott of the " Yictory " of the E.tst Florida Semittary at jacksom·ille during the Con1·ention
of the" Daughters of the Confederacy " hst january The article closed with thfse wholly uncalled for words:
"\\'e are sorry the L·tke City cadtts were not present to see our bo1·s drill. They might haYe kartH:d ~omething
ahout the art .' '
I h <lthi, h~cn s1id hy on · of the C tinewille cadets in the presence of one of our students, that same East
Flurid.t Semittary cadet would probably han~ hee11 settl home on a stretchtr or itt a long black box.
(;,Jim:sl·ille claims to he the first in rattk of the milita1y colleges of the State, and says that she holds the
cit 1mpionship. \\'e obsl'n·c that she has 11e1·er str,littt'd her eyes looki,lg fur att opportunity to d1 ill against us.
Our reasotts for 110t drilling ag.tinst them call he soott stated
\\'e orgattizt'd a picked eompatty itt October to drill anything in the State. cxpeclittg the cotttest to come
off ~ome little itt 1 leeemher .\ fter we Ita i drilled three weeks Lieulettattl Cox, om wnrthy conttttandant, receil'ed
word that the Convention II .I" poslpont'd indefinitely, and so disbanded our con1pa111.
Thctt he recei1·ccl won\ .thout the 1st of Jattnary. or during the last days of the Christn1as exatttittatiutts,
that the cutttpditil·c drill would come off ott the 12th of January. tlnh giYing us less than t11o weeks itt which to
organiz~. ectuip and drill a company to go up against companies tlut had been drilling steadily for sneral