Page 81 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 81

l'nder these circumstances  we  refu~ul to drill  in  Jacbon,·ill  at the Con\·~ntion ,  atul quite Jlbll)·, too.  a~
                     will be clearly se~n by any fair-minded  per.;on  who b  willing- to look ,tl a quc,tton from  two sidt:s.
                          X ow tt ~o happ~ns that  one of our young lady students  is  in  correspondence  wtth  a  ~tudeul of John  B
                     Stetson t'ni\·ersity  a  \·ery large sounding  name, isn't  it?  and  by the way, John  B.  nnkl·s a Yery  good hat, too)
                          This young hopeful writes  to  the  said  young  lady tints ·  "I had  thought  de.nest  Beatrice, that  I  would
                     see you some time next month ·  that  I  would  once more gaze  into those beautiful b: own eyes and bask .tgain  in
                      the sunshine of  your smile   \\'e  thought  the  Stale College was  going to gin~ us a game of  football:  hut  since
                      they haYe backed out, and  I cannot gel permission  to  \is it  Lake City on any other  pretext,  I  sh:tll  han~  to  get
                      along as best I can  without seeing you untilt·ommencement. ''
                          Just a simple statement of facts is all that is required  hue to explain matters to am· reasonable person
                          \\'e organized a  football  team  <tuite early in tht! season, hut  did  not  practice to any considerable  extent,
                      because we did not think our Board of Trustees would con~cnt to onr playing any inter collegiate games.
                          \\'e recei\'ed  a  challenge  from  Stetson, and, as soon as we obtained  the consent of  the  Board, we  wrote
                      accepting the challenge.
                          Then  we  recei,·ed  a  reply, saying- that  "it \\:h rather lakin the season:  '  that  "they had  ceased  train ·
                      ing; ·' that ''they were preparing for a  field  day in  ~larch, and  could  not train for  it and the football  game at the
                      same time and do justice to both. "
                          So, as a  matter of course,  we did  not  play them .  In the language  of  this Stetson  student  we  "hacked
                      out. ·'  \\'e replied that we would like to g-et  a game,  and would play them any Saturda)  between the date of the
                      letter and the end of the football season.  Since  then  we  haYe heard  nothing  from  the football  team of Stetson
                           Xow we will  present this problem to our readers:  Did Stetson really want to play or were they bluffing)
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