Page 82 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 82
An Old Favorite.
\\"rit on a ruin palace of Ka~hmir ; Seck finer pleasures each returning year:
"The _nrl is nothing, and the end is near " The end is nothing, and the end is near.
\\"here arc the \·oiccs kings were glad to hear> Bind not thyself to much to earthly year,
\\"here now the feast, the song, the haya<h:re > But eat the bread of life and take good cheer.
The end is nothing, and the end is near. .\nd drink the wine of life and ha\e no fcar;
The end is ,·is ion, and the end is near.
\ nd yonder lo,·cly rose; alas, my dear,
See the :'\oH:mher garden rank and drear; Joy is the Lord, and Love His character:
The end is nothing, and the end is near. Be tranquil and rejoicing; oh, my dear :
Shun the wild seas ; far from the breakers steer :
See how the raindrop mingles with the mere. The end is vision, and the end is near.
~lark how the age de\·ours each passing' ear;
.\h, banish hope and doubt, regret and fear,
The end is nothing, and the end is near.
Check the gay laugh, but dry the idle tear,
Forms rise and grow and wane and disappear, Search, is the light within thee burning clear?
The life allotted thee i, now and here: The end is \'ision, and the end is ncar.
The end is nothing, and the cud is near.
List to the wisdom learned of saint and seer,
The death shroud waits thee, and the dark palled bier. The li\'ing Lord is joy, and peace his sphere ;
Alas, sweet eyes and bosom tender, dear: Rebel no more; throw down thy shield and spear.
The tolling hell, the dropping earth I hear; Surrender all thyself; true life is here;
The end is nothing, and the end is near. The end is ,·ision, and the end is near.
Then \ 'CX thyself no more with thought austere; Forget not this, forget not that, my dear;
Take what thott canst whilst thou abidest here. 'Tis all and nothing, and the end is near.