Page 61 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 61
Bobby Everett
Amanda Faulkner
Meltsa Feagle
Tyler Flanagan
Chns Flemmg
Kelly Ford
Claudio Galvan
Tracy Gartner
Michael Gayheart
Knsta Godfrey
Mane Grabowski
Kelly Grace
Chnstopher Gray
Michael Greene
Johnny Gnffin
Dawn Gunter Roge/5
Jennifer Hall
Noah Hams
Heather Haskins
Davod Boshop os always connong some poor
person Here he os just tryong to get extra credo!
for just comng to Ms. Olmert s dass These two varsoty players, Trey Beauchamp and Wayne Regostar, sure were
ectove dunng a leadership meetong. (Ha Ha)
ny Coltons and Whotney Parl<s show off theor stoff Just look at Shawn Mornson·s face You can tell Ctloa Pholhps, Tamara Smoth. and Tiffany BuUer JUSt love beong members of Peer
moves on the sophomore homecomong skot he JUSt loves lunch under the bog top Medoatonon. (Just one more dass we can moss )