Page 65 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 65

Doug CampbeN tel  us to wa1t one m~nute and then he and Shannon Brown will
       ahOw us a thing or two.

                                                          Sophomores were well prepared dum•ng homecom1ng. Thetr slot came 1n second and
                                                          was a crowd pleaser

       Jonathan Daniel and Jennder Webber pose 1n Iron! of hJS deSign for the 1st ever   We all want to know what Brooke Espensh1p did  Look at the faces of Gneg
       homecomJng tomahaw  logo                           Summers. Heather Haskins. and Brandy Lrttle. II must have been good!

       Shera Sherman and Elise Whltly, two very attractJve sophomores.  hke to strut   look at th1s bunch! Mrs. Bundy  has had her hands full 1n her Honors B1ology Class
       lheu stuff

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