Page 64 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 64
liimara Smtih
Chdstopher Sonntag
Matthew Sonde
Jonathan Spradley
Jenny Staehnke
Amanda Stalnaker
Brandon Stephens
Greg Summers
Dante/ Taylor
Stephen Thomas
Sarah Thonnodson
Samantha Townsend
Ryan Trespalaclos
Nicole Tucker
Rebecca Tuckey
Jake Tumer
Anna JYsdal
Trina Waggoner
Jennifer Webber
Sarah Whtte
Eltse Whttty
Sarah Wildman
Label Wingate
Justtn Wolcott
Jus!ti7 Yelken
DeAnn Young
Chdstme Zal/ie
Everybody lean 10 11's tune for one more pteture. Is Fort White tun of hams or what The Sophomore leadership students are always W1ll1ng to lend a hand Where would we be withotft