Page 130 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 130
Top left: Frank Millin, Kelly
Hunter, Ashley Stewart, and
Chris Chiccarello are warming
up by the fire while Brad
Farkas and Anna Tysdal stay at
the teepee.
Bottom left: The Freshmen
NRaiders w in the skit are
waiting for their beating by
the Indians.
Right: Karli Neubauer hands
over the Spirit Stick to
Kandace Cottey.
Below: Jon Baker and Julie
Johnson are ready to tell
Shannon Cottey it is their tum
in the pool.
Above: Shawn Morrison looks Center: Frank Millin and Kelly Above: Chris Chiccarello
as if he has lost his way. Hunter are styling in their really looks cute in his •
football uniforms. cheerleader outfit. Maybe
he should consider trying
out for the squad. Above: Mrs. Dukes
(Melissa long) is
wondering what that
Skipper (Sherod Keen) is
about to do.