Page 131 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 131
Below: Gilligan (Ryan Center: Ryan Trespalacios and Below: These Freshmen have
Trespalacios) and Skipper Michael Bauer fall out of the danced so much they are
(Sherod Keen) argue over ship-wrecked boat. exhausted. The hula is just
which way to go. too much for them.
Center: The Juniors sail their
way out of Gilligan's Island
Far Left: The Juniors lay down
to take a nap during their skit.
They must be tired from
trying to get off the island.
Left: Julie Johnson flashes
back to the 70' s in Brady
Bunch outer wear.
Above: Talk about a good Above Right: The Freshmen
time! These Freshmen are offer a bon voyage to the
really living it up. They must judges at the end of their skit.
not have a dress code in