Page 134 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 134
Parading Down 27
First Homecoming parade is a big hit
H ighway 27 shuts a part of the big event. displayed for the
Convertibles from all first time for
down as the first
Homecoming parade over escorted people everyone to see.
marches down the like the Homecoming Mr. Flanagan was
road. From Mr. Court members and the marshal kicking
Sweet-hearts and off the parade. The
Tomahawk 2ooo, Cov
Heartthrobs of the clubs fire department
Woodley, to school
of Fort White High put out the parade.
board members, many
School. The floats were
different people were
Upper: H. Ray Walker, Tax Upper Right junior Nikki
Collector, and P. DeWitt Tucker is very proud to be
Cason, Clerk of Courts, join in chosen for the Homecoming
the parade. Court.
Above: Amanda Stalnaker and Middle Right: Vintage Cars
Amanda Bentley, Home- always add class to any
coming Court members, are parade.
being driven by Amanda's
brother Sam.
Above: Kayla Sykes represents
the Seventh grade by herself
on the Homecoming Court.