Page 133 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 133
Rally up the
The Homecoming pep rally was a
time where each person in the school
brought out his or her true school
spirit, and it gave the chance to go a
little crazy and have some fun. It was
fun for all of us, including parents who
came to watch. Each grade level
(except Freshmen) performed their
skits for the student body to see. The
Drama Club performed a pie tossing
skit for all students which the coaches
and floor clean-up crew will never
forget. The cheerleaders and dancers
did their best at trying to pump up the
spirit and get everyone excited about
the last game of the season. The band
played awesome tunes during the pep
rally and kept things going during the
floor-cleaning session. The fun
concluded with the big announcement
of Joshua H. Smith as Homecoming
King. Thanks Ms. Olmert and the
leadership class for a great week.
Top left: Coach Shoup proves
that coaches can do more
than just call plays. They can
clean up the remains of the
teams they tear up on the
field or on the court.
Top Right: Ms. Bauer is Big
Chief in the skit presented
by the Drama Club.
Above: Shannon, lillian, julie,
and Chris take fashion tips
from jon "jan Brady" Baker.
He (she) definitely has a style
of his (her) own.
Above left: Anna Tysdal
intimidates the Santa Fe
Raiders, or at least she would
if she didn't look so nice.
Above: The Drama Club
canoes its way into the pep
rally for the skit.
left: Danielle Wildmon shows
how flexible she can be at the
pep rally.